wahm-masters3, Pozycjonowanie, English SEO and Internet Marketing

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WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course
We are Elizabeth, Cate, Jen and Erin, four “work-at-home mothers” or “WAHMs.”
We joined forces to write this special Masters Course because we wanted to share with
you our discovery, that building a theme-based Website is a fantastic solution for
WAHMs who are looking for a fun, rewarding way to earn steady income from home.
First, building an information-packed Website gives you the total flexibility and freedom
you need, so that you can devote time to your family. And second, it’s a thoroughly
enjoyable business that has the potential to provide you with a long-term source of
income as this page outlines…
Who are we?
Believe us, we’re
Internet gurus, up to every trick in the book to extract dollars from
the Web! No, we’re four ordinary moms, three in the USA and one in the UK, who met
up through our shared desire to give time to our families
have fulfilling, lucrative
work of our own.
If you’d like to know more about us, our sites, and how we came together to write this
Guide, check out
The Background Story
. It’s an interesting read!
Throughout WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course, you’ll find
quotes from real Site Build It!-
owning WAHMs!
These nuggets of wisdom and inspiration come from one of the Site
Build It! (SBI!) Forums (a friendly gathering place for SBI! owners) and a thread about
WAHMs. We’d like to thank all of those women for sharing their experiences in such an
inspiring way.
Like us, you’ve probably come across lots of get-rich-quick schemes on the Web,
promising you fantastic earnings for little effort. We want to reassure you, that is
what we are about.
In this course, we share with you the underlying principles that ensure sites like ours
have the potential to succeed. Follow those principles, and you won’t go wrong.
will have to supply the thinking power and the motivation.
It takes work, and time, but the journey is extremely worthwhile. And the beauty of it is,
it can fit perfectly into your life as a WAHM.
By the way, please don’t feel neglected if you’re a
work-at-home dad
. We’ve written to
moms – well, because we’re moms, and that’s what came naturally. But we’re sure that
many dads who are also doing the main child-caring would also love to start their own
Web businesses, so please join us. This is for you, too.
 WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course
This Masters Course covers…

all the how-to information you need to get started.

inspiring stories of real-life SBI! WAHMs and their Websites.

tips on managing your household and family successfully while you work.
Chapter 1 covers your introduction.
In Chapter 2, in Steps 1 and 2, we discuss the pros and cons of some of the
approaches to “work outside the home”
that you’ve probably looked at as a mom.
We then consider some of the more common ways of
earning income at home
, both
online and offline, which you may have considered, and see how they compare with
what we’re doing.
In Step 3, we give an
overview of building a content-rich Website
and show you
it’s such a good option
for you as a WAHM. We demonstrate, in detail, how it can give
you the flexibility and income you want, while at the same time providing you with a
creative and satisfying ongoing enterprise that lets you reach beyond being “just Mom”.
Step 4 is the
nitty-gritty section
. This is where we explain how the Site Build It! system
of Website-building functions. It’s broken down into four easy stages, and we talk you
through each one to give you a thorough understanding of the process.
In Chapter 3 -- we love Chapter 3 -- you’ll find three of our favorite
Case Studies
, stories
of real moms like you, who are building profitable Websites today and making a great
success of it. They tell you, in their own words, how their sites are working for them,
how much time they put in, how much money they make and their plans for the future.
(And if that whets your appetite, remember there are lots more inspiring case studies in
the separate book included with this download.)
Chapter 4 is
Background Story
, where you can find out more about us and how
this WAHM-IT! came into existence.
In Chapter 5, we’ve pulled together some
Helpful Resources
, everything you need to
learn more and get started.
Chapter 6 introduces you to some more WAHMs and how/why they started their own
businesses. Inspirational role models!
Chapter 7 provides organizational tips to keep your family and business on a stress-free
moving-forward track.
WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course
Don’t worry. It won’t take you forever to read. We’ve kept the course concise and easy
to pick up and browse whenever you have a few minutes to spare while the kids are
sleeping or playing.
Before you start, we suggest you print out this pdf file. Fine Print is simple to use.
It will keep the bulk manageable, by allowing you to print 2 or
4 pages on each 8.5” x 11” sheet. We recommend that you put your printed copy into a
3-ring binder for convenient access.
All set and ready to read?
Grab the binder and a highlighter pen, and settle into a comfortable place. Mark
interesting passages and make notes as you go along. There’s a lot to think about,
review and act upon.
And now, join us on an exciting journey, on the pathway to Internet success…
WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course
Table of
Chapter 1 Introduction
2.4 Step 4: The “How To” Answer…. The C
M Process
2.4.1 Introducing the
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