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//-->B E A STM E NWARSCROLLSCOMPENDIUMINTRODUCTIONThe haunted forests and wastelandsof the realms are home to savagecreatures that live only to trample anddespoil. Some call them the hornedones, others the true children of Chaos,but to mortal men they are known asBeastmen. When the horns of battlecall, the warherds mass alongside theirbull-headed brethren to fight alongsidethe armies of Chaos. The only rewardthey seek is the chance to wreak utterhavoc upon everything in their path.The warscrolls in this compendiumallow you to use your CitadelMiniatures collection in fantasticalbattle, whether telling epic stories setduring the Age of Sigmar, or recreatingthe wars of the world-that-was.WARSCROLL KEY1. Title:The name of the model that thewarscroll describes.2. Characteristics:This set of characteristics tells youhow fast, powerful and brave the model is, and howeffective its weapons are.3. Description:The description tells you what weaponsthe model can be armed with, and what upgrades (ifany) it can be given. The description will also tell you ifthe model is fielded on its own as a single model, or aspart of a unit. If the model is fielded as part of a unit,then the description will say how many models the unitshould have (if you don’t have enough models to field aunit, you can still field one unit with as many models asyou have available).4. Abilities:Abilities are things that the model can doduring a game that are not covered by the standardgame rules.5. Keywords:All models have a list of keywords.Sometimes a rule will say that it only applies to modelsthat have a specific keyword.6. Damage Table:Some models have a damage tablethat is used to determine one or more of the model’scharacteristics. Look up the number of wounds themodel has suffered to find the value of the characteristicin question.1GORTHOR THE BEASTLORD10"84+8BRAVERYUNDSWO2MOVEMELEE WEAPONSSAVEThe ImpalerTuskgors’ Tusks and HoovesBagrar the Tamer’s BeastspearRangeAttacksTo Hit1"1"1"To Wound642Rend3+4+4+Damage3+3+4+-1--1113Gorthor is a single model. He is armedwith the Impaler. He rides into battleina chariot pulled by a pair of Tuskgorsthat attack with blood-soaked Tusksand Hooves. The chariot is driven byBagrar the Tamer, who fights with agore-encrusted Beastspear.Skull of Magrar:In the hero phase,youcan either heal 1 wound suffered byDESCR IPTION4Gorthor or inflict 1 mortal wound onanenemy unit within 10" of Gorthor.The Impaler:If Gorthor makes a chargemove, you can inflict D3 mortal woundson one enemy unit that is within 1"of himafter the charge is completed.Tuskgor Charge:You can re-roll chargerolls for Gorthor. In addition, you canre-roll all failed hit rolls made for Gorthorifhe charged this turn.Hatred of Heroes:You can re-roll failedwound rolls for the Impaler when Gorthortargets aHero.Gore-soa ked Champion:If Gorthoruses this ability, then until your nextherophase, allBrayherdunits in yourarmycan add 1 to their charge, run and hitrollswhilst they are within 16" of him.COMM AND ABILIT YABILITIES5KEYWORDSCHAOS , BEASTM AN, BRAYH ERD,HERO, BEASTLORD, GORTHORKHAZRAK THE ONE-EYEMOVEUNDSWO6"75BR3+AVERYMELEE WEAPONSScourgeGor BladeRangeAttacksTo HitKhazrak the One-eye is a single model.Heis armed with a Gor Blade in one handanda lethal magical whip called Scourgeinthe other. He is protected from harmandenemy spells by the Dark Mail, a suitofenchanted armour.DESCR IPTIONSAVE3"1"To WoundSee below6Rend3+3+Damage4+3+--11The Dark Mail:Your opponent mustsubtract 3 from any casting rolls hemakes for aWizardthat is within12"of Khazrak.The Scourge:When Scourge is usedtoattack, Khazrak makes a number ofattacksequal to the number of enemy modelsthatare within its range.ABILITIESHatred of Heroes:You can re-roll failedwound rolls for Khazrak when he targetsaHero.Bestial Cunning:If Khazrak uses thisability, then allBrayherdunits fromyour army that are within 16" of himatthe start of your next Movement phasecanretreat and still charge this turn.COMM AND ABILIT YCYGORKEYWORDSMOVECHAOS , BEASTM AN, BRAYH ERD,UNDSWO✹SAVEAttacksRangeWarhammer Age of Sigmar © GamesMISSILE WEAPONSWorkshop Ltd.HERO, BEASTLORD, KHAZR AKTo HitTo WoundTHE ONE-EY ERendDamage125+7Hurl Boulder✹120154+To Hit2+To Wound-2RendD6DamageMELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksBRAVERYMassive Horns2"✹4+3+-116DAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedMoveMassive HornsHurl Boulder0-23-45-78-910+8"6"5"4"3"8754218"15"12"6"3"DESCR IPTIONABILITIESA Cygor is a single model. Though,practical ly blind, Cygors Hurl Boulderschunks of rock or the remnants of fallenbuildings at nearby foes, often targetingWizards, who blaze like beacons beforesportstheir unnatura l sight. A Cygor alsoMassive Horns that it uses to gore theenemy to death.Soul-eater:A Cygor can attempt tophaseunbind 2 spells in each enemy heroin the same manner as a wizard. If itspellunbinds a spell, then the caster of the1 mortal wound and the Cygorsuffersheals a wound.hitGhostsight:You can re-roll all failedrolls for a Cygor if the target of the attackis aWizard.MONSTER, CYGORKEYWORDSCHAOS , BULLGOR, WARHE RD,Warhammer Age of Sigmar © GamesWorkshop Ltd. 2015Warhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015GORTHOR THE BEASTLORDMOVEUNDSWO10"8MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage84+The ImpalerTuskgors’ Tusks and HoovesBagrar the Tamer’s Beastspear1"1"1"6423+4+4+3+3+4+-1--111SAV EBRAERYVDESCRIPTIONGorthor is a single model. He is armedwith the Impaler. He rides into battle ina chariot pulled by a pair of Tuskgorsthat attack with blood-soaked Tusksand Hooves. The chariot is driven byBagrar the Tamer, who fights with agore-encrusted Beastspear.Gorthor or inflict 1 mortal wound on anenemy unit within 10" of Gorthor.The Impaler:If Gorthor makes a chargemove, you can inflict D3 mortal woundson one enemy unit that is within 1" of himafter the charge is completed.Tuskgor Charge:You can re-roll chargerolls for Gorthor. In addition, you can re-roll all failed hit rolls made for Gorthor ifhe charged this turn.Hatred of Heroes:You can re-roll failedwound rolls for the Impaler when Gorthortargets aHero.COMMAND ABILITYGore-soaked Champion:If Gorthoruses this ability, then until your next herophase, allBrayherdunits in your armycan add 1 to their charge, run and hit rollswhilst they are within 16" of him.ABILITIESSkull of Magrar:In the hero phase, youcan either heal 1 wound suffered byKEYWORDSCHAOS, BEASTMAN, BRAYHERD, HERO, BEASTLORD, GORTHORKHAZRAK THE ONE-EYEMOVEUNDSWO6"7MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage53+SAV EScourgeGor Blade3"1"See below63+3+4+3+--11BRAERYVDESCRIPTIONKhazrak the One-eye is a single model. Heis armed with a Gor Blade in one hand anda lethal magical whip called Scourge inthe other. He is protected from harm andenemy spells by the Dark Mail, a suit ofenchanted armour.ABILITIESThe Dark Mail:Your opponent mustsubtract 3 from any casting rolls hemakes for aWizardthat is within 12"of Khazrak.The Scourge:When Scourge is used toattack, Khazrak makes a number of attacksequal to the number of enemy models thatare within its range.Hatred of Heroes:You can re-roll failedwound rolls for Khazrak when he targetsaHero.COMMAND ABILITYBestial Cunning:If Khazrak uses thisability, then allBrayherdunits fromyour army that are within 16" of him atthe start of your next Movement phase canretreat and still charge this turn.KEYWORDSCHAOS, BEASTMAN, BRAYHERD, HERO, BEASTLORD, KHAZRAK THE ONE-EYEWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015BEASTLORDMOVEUNDSWO6"7MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage54+SAV EMan-ripper AxeMan-render Great Axe1"1"633+3+3+3+-1-212BRAERYVDESCRIPTIONA Beastlord is a single model. SomeBeastlords are armed with two Man-ripperAxes, while others carry a single Man-render Great Axe to better cleave their foe;others enter battle armed with a Man-ripper Axe in one hand and carrying aheavy Brayshield in the other.ABILITIESDual Axes:An extra weapon allows awarrior to brutally hack at the foe, makingit harder for the target to evade the hit. Youcan re-roll hit rolls of 1 for a model armedwith more than one Man-ripper Axe.Brayshield:A Beastlord with a Brayshieldhas a save of 3+ in the combat phase.Hatred of Heroes:You can re-roll failedwound rolls for a Beastlord when he targetsaHero.COMMAND ABILITYGrisly Trophy:A Beastlord can usethis ability if any attacks it made in theprevious turn resulted in an enemy modelbeing slain. If he does so, then until yournext hero phase, allBrayherdunits inyour army can add 1 to their charge, runand hit rolls whilst they are within 16"of him.KEYWORDSCHAOS, BEASTMAN, BRAYHERD, HERO, BEASTLORDWARGOR STANDARD BEARERMOVEUNDSWO6"655+MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageSAV EGor Axe1"43+3+-11BRAERYVDESCRIPTIONA Wargor Standard Bearer is a singlemodel. He is armed with a brutal Gor Axeand carries a great Beast Standard stitchedtogether from the flayed skins of defeatedenemies and adorned with the skulls andheads of his many victims.ABILITIESBraying Warcry:Red-hot rage festers inthe savage minds of Wargors, their onlydesire to rend and destroy. You can add 1to all hit rolls made for a Wargor if, beforerolling the dice, you let loose a primalwarcry. Your warcry must use no actualwords, but angry grunts and raging snortsare encouraged.Beast Standard:In your hero phase,a Wargor can plant his Beast Standardand unleash the bestial power containedwithin. If he does so, you may not move theWargor until your next hero phase, but youcan add 1 to any wound rolls made in thecombat phase for allBrayherdmodelsfrom your army whilst their unit is within16" of the Beast Standard.KEYWORDSCHAOS, BEASTMAN, BRAYHERD, HERO, TOTEM, WARGOR STANDARD BEARERWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015MALAGOR, THE DARK OMENMOVEUNDSWO12"6SPELLSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage56+Carrion ViletideMELEE WEAPONS24"Range4D6Attacks2+To Hit5+To Wound-Rend1DamageSAV EBRAERYVCrowfather’s Staff2"24+4+-1D3DESCRIPTIONMalagor, the Dark Omen, is a single model,armed with the Crowfather’s Staff.FLYMalagor can fly.Harbinger of Disaster:Roll 2 dice foreach enemy unit within 3" of Malagor atthe start of the combat phase. If the totalis higher than the unit’s Bravery, it cannotattack Malagor in that combat phase.VILETIDEABILITIESUnholy Power:If Malagor successfullycasts a spell, add 1 to his next casting orunbinding roll.MAGICMalagor is a wizard. He can attempt tocast 2 different spells in each of yourhero phases, and attempt to unbind 2spells in each enemy hero phase. Heknows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield andViletide spells.This spell summons a vile wave ofcrawling, biting, stinging creatures thatswarm over the foe. Viletide has a castingvalue of 6. If successfully cast, Malagorcan immediately make an attack using theCarrion Viletide profile above.KEYWORDSCHAOS, BEASTMAN, BRAYHERD, HERO, WIZARD, GREAT BRAY-SHAMAN, MALAGORGREAT BRAY-SHAMANMOVEUNDSWO6"656+MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageSAV EFetish Staff2"14+4+-1D3BRAERYVDESCRIPTIONA Great Bray-Shaman is single model. Heis armed with a Fetish Staff.MAGICA Great Bray-Shaman is a wizard. He canattempt to cast 1 spell in each of your ownhero phases, and attempt to unbind 1 spellin each enemy hero phase. He knows theArcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and SavageDominion spells.SAVAGE DOMINIONABILITIESInfuse with Bestial Vigour:AllBrayherdunits from your army that arewithin 8" of a Great Bray-Shaman at thestart of your movement phase can move anextra 3" that phase.The shaman sends his mind winging intothe wilds and possesses the largestcreature he can find and bend to his will.Savage Dominion has a casting value of 9.If successfully cast, you can summon oneMonsterand add it to your army. Set upthe summoned model within 6" of theedge of the battlefield and more than 9"from any enemy models. This counts as itsmove for the upcoming movement phase.KEYWORDSCHAOS, BEASTMAN, BRAYHERD, HERO, WIZARD, GREAT BRAY-SHAMANWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015
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