warhammer-aos-bretonnia-en, Gry Bitewne, Age of Sigmar

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//-->BRETONNIAWARSCROLLSCOMPENDIUMINTRODUCTIONIn fair Sigmaron the free peopleof humanity gather, preservingheraldry and cultural traditions fromcivilisations ground beneath the weightof unceasing strife. The clamour ofwarlike souls fills the heavens, united inSigmar’s name. Though some of theselost tribes have been driven from theirhomelands, and others cast adrift onthe tides of time, every soul amongstthem dreams of wreaking bloodyrevenge upon the forces of Chaos.The warscrolls in this compendiumallow you to use your CitadelMiniatures collection in fantasticalbattle, whether telling epic stories setduring the Age of Sigmar, or recreatingthe wars of the world-that-was.WARSCROLL KEY1. Title:The name of the model that thewarscroll describes.2. Characteristics:Each warscroll has a set ofcharacteristics that tell you how fast, powerful andbrave the model is, and how effective its weapons are.3. Description:The description tells you what weaponsthe model can be armed with, and what upgrades (ifany) it can be given. The description will also tell you ifthe model is fielded on its own as a single model, or aspart of a unit. If the model is fielded as part of a unit,then the description will say how many models the unitshould have (if you don’t have enough models to field aunit, you can still field one unit with as many models asyou have available).4. Abilities:Abilities are things that the model can doduring a game that are not covered by the standardgame rules.5. Keywords:All models have a list of keywords.Sometimes a rule will say that it only applies to modelsthat have a specific keyword on their warscroll.For example, a rule might say that it applies to ‘allStormcast Eternalswithin 12"’. This means thatit would apply to models that have theStormcastEternalkeyword on their warscroll.6. Damage Table:Some models have a damage table thatis used to determine any of the model’s characteristics.Look up the number of wounds the model has sufferedto find the value of the characteristic in question.1THE GREEN KNIGHT512"3+9BRAVERYUNDSWO2MOVEMELEE WEAPONSThe Dolorous BladeShadow SteedRangeAttacksTo Hit3The Green Knight is a single model.Heappears upon the battlefield astridehisghostly Shadow Steed, armed with themighty Dolorous Blade and carryingtheFoliate Shield.FLYDESCR IPTIONThe Green Knight passes through physicalbarriers as though they were not there.Hemoves in the same manner as a modelthatcan fly.SAVE1"1"To Wound42Rend3+4+Damage3+3+-1-214Ethereal:Ignore the enemy’s Rendcharacteristic when making save rollsforthe Green Knight.The Foliate Shield:Roll a dice eachtime awound or mortal wound is inflictedon thismodel. On a roll of 6 it is absorbed bytheFoliate Shield and ignored.ABILITIES5Summoned from the Mists:Do notsetup the Green Knight at the start of thebattle. Instead, roll a dice in your herophase. On a 4 or more, set up the GreenKnight anywhere that is more than9"from the enemy – this counts as hismovefor that turn. On a roll of 3 or less, theGreen Knight does not appear, but youcan roll again in your next hero phase.Ifthe Green Knight is slain, he returnstothe mists, and you can see if he returnsasdescribed above. Whenever he returns,allhis wounds are healed.KEYWORDSORDER , HUMAN, FREE PEOPLE, NOBILITY, GREEN KNIGHTBRETONNIAN LORD512"3+9BRAVERYMOVEUNDSWOMELEE WEAPONSDucal Sword and Dragonbane LanceSteed’s HoovesRangeAttacksTo HitA Bretonnian Lord is a single model.Herides a trusty Steed that has borne himintobattles without number. The Lord isarmedwith a Ducal Sword and DragonbaneLance, and carries a Ducal Shield.Some Bretonnian Lords ride Pegasi;thesehave a Move of 16" rather than 12".FLYPEGASUSDESCR IPTIONA Bretonnian Lord on a Pegasus canKEYWORDSMOVEUNDSWOKING LOUEN LEONCOEURfly.ORDER , HUMAN, FREE PEOPLE, NOBILITY, HERO, BRETON NIANRangeWorkshop Ltd. 2015SAVE2"1"To Wound52Rend3+4+Damage4+4+-1-D31Courage of the Bretonni:Roll a dicewhenever aNobilitymodel from yourarmy flees within 10" of this model.On a 4or more, that model returns to the frayanddoes not flee.Dragonbane Lance:You can add 1tothe wound rolls and Damage of a Lord’sDucal Sword and Dragonbane Lanceif hecharged in the same turn. You can alsore-roll all failed hit rolls with this weaponif the target is a Monster.ABILITIESDucal Shield:You can re-roll save rollsof 1 for a Bretonnian Lord in the combatphase if he charged in the same turn.Lord of the Realm:In your next chargephase, you can re-roll charge rolls forthismodel and all units ofNobilityfromyourarmy within 15" when you determinetheircharge distance.COMM AND ABILIT YLORDRendDamageWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games✹SAVEMELEE WEAPONSAttacksTo HitTo Wound103+9BRAVERYThe Sword of CouronneBeaquis’ TalonsBeaquis’ Razor-sharp Beak2"2"2"6513+4+3+-1-1-2D31D6✹3+✹6DAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedMoveHippogr yph’s TalonsRazor-sharp Beak0-23-45-67-89+14"12"10"8"6"3+3+4+4+5+3+4+4+5+5+DESCR IPTIONABILITIESKing Louen Leoncoeur is a single model.eHe is armed with the Sword of Couronnbearsand carries the Lion’s Shield. He alsothea Regal Crown. The King rides uponnoble Hippogry ph Beaquis, who fights.with his Talons and Razor-sharp BeakFLYrRegal Crown:As long as Louen Leoncoeuis on the battlefield, he and allFreehavePeopleunits from your army do nottake battleshock tests.toThe Lion’s Shield:You can re-roll savein therolls of 1 for King Louen Leoncoeurcombat phase if he charged in the sameturn. Furthermore, he can attempt toinunbind 1 spell in the enemy’s hero phasethe same manner as a wizard.The Puissant Virtue:You can re-rolle iffailed hit rolls for the Sword of Couronnthe target is aHeroor Monster.The Lady’s Champion:King LouenofLeoncoeur heals D3 wounds in eachyour hero phases.King Louen Leoncoeur can fly.COMM AND ABILIT YKing of the Realm:In your next combatphase, you can add 1 to hit rolls forNobilityunits from your army if theycharged that turn.LEONCOEURKEYWORDSORDER, HUMAN, FREE PEOPLE, NOBILIT Y, HERO, KING LOUENKEYWORDSWarhammer Age of Sigmar © GamesWorkshop Ltd. 2015Warhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015KING LOUEN LEONCOEURMOVEUNDSWO✹3+9SAV EMELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage10The Sword of CouronneBeaquis’ TalonsBeaquis’ Razor-sharp Beak2"2"2"6513+4+3+-1-1-2D31D6✹3+BRAERYV✹DAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedMoveHippogryph’s TalonsRazor-sharp Beak0-23-45-67-89+14"12"10"8"6"3+3+4+4+5+3+4+4+5+5+DESCRIPTIONKing Louen Leoncoeur is a single model.He is armed with the Sword of Couronneand carries the Lion’s Shield. He also bearsa Regal Crown. The King rides upon thenoble Hippogryph Beaquis, who fightswith his Talons and Razor-sharp Beak.FLYABILITIESRegal Crown:As long as Louen Leoncoeuris on the battlefield, he and allFreePeopleunits from your army do not haveto take battleshock tests.The Lion’s Shield:You can re-roll saverolls of 1 for King Louen Leoncoeur in thecombat phase if he charged in the sameturn. Furthermore, he can attempt tounbind 1 spell in the enemy’s hero phase inthe same manner as a wizard.The Puissant Virtue:You can re-rollfailed hit rolls for the Sword of Couronne ifthe target is aHeroor Monster.The Lady’s Champion:King LouenLeoncoeur heals D3 wounds in each ofyour hero phases.King Louen Leoncoeur can fly.COMMAND ABILITYKing of the Realm:In your next combatphase, you can add 1 to hit rolls forNobilityunits from your army if theycharged that turn.KEYWORDSORDER, HUMAN, FREE PEOPLE, NOBILITY, HERO, KING LOUEN LEONCOEURKEYWORDSWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015THE FAY ENCHANTRESSMOVEUNDSWO14"8MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage54+Fay Enchantress’ Blessed BladeSilvaron’s Enchanted HornSilvaron’s Silvershod Hooves1"1"1"3134+4+4+4+3+4+-1-1-121SAV EBRAERYVDESCRIPTIONThe Fay Enchantress is a single model.She rides the Unicorn Silvaron and wieldsa Blessed Blade. Silvaron defends hismistress with his Horn and Hooves.Grail Guardians:You may re-roll failedhit rolls for units ofGrail Knightsfrom your army within 10" of the FayEnchantress in the combat phase.Spiteful Glance:Before the FayEnchantress makes any attacks in thecombat phase, you can select a modelwithin 3", roll two dice and add theirresults together. If the total is higher thanthe model’s Bravery, its unit suffers amortal wound.Supreme Aura of the Lady:In your herophase, select the Fay Enchantress or aFreePeoplemodel within 6" of her; that modelheals D3 wounds.MAGICThe Fay Enchantress is a powerful wizard.She can cast two different spells in eachof your own hero phases, and attempt tounbind two spells in each enemy herophase. She knows the Arcane Bolt, MysticShield and Favour of the Fay spells.FAVOUR OF THE FAYABILITIESChalice of Potions:Once in each of yourhero phases, the Fay Enchantress canpeer into the chalice and use it to stir upthe magical power needed to cast one ofher spells. If she does so, roll a single diceinstead of making a normal casting roll.On a roll of 2 or more the spell is castand cannot be unbound. On a roll of 1the casting attempt is a failure, and thechalice cannot be used again for the rest ofthe battle.The Fay Enchantress stokes the fires ofnobility and courage in the hearts of herfollowers, blessing them with the powerto strike down their foes. Favour of theFay has a casting value of 6. If successfullycast, pick one unit ofFree Peoplewithin 16". Until your next hero phase,you can add 1 to all hit rolls for that unit’smelee weapons. If that unit isNobility,you can add 2 to all these hit rolls instead.KEYWORDSORDER, HUMAN, FREE PEOPLE, NOBILITY, HERO, WIZARD, DAMSEL OF THE LADY,FAY ENCHANTRESSWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015THE GREEN KNIGHTMOVEUNDSWO12"9MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage53+SAV EThe Dolorous BladeShadow Steed1"1"423+4+3+3+-1-21BRAERYVDESCRIPTIONThe Green Knight is a single model. Heappears upon the battlefield astride hisghostly Shadow Steed, armed with themighty Dolorous Blade and carrying theFoliate Shield.FLYABILITIESEthereal:Ignore the enemy’s Rendcharacteristic when making save rolls forthe Green Knight.The Foliate Shield:Roll a dice each time awound or mortal wound is inflicted on thismodel. On a roll of 6 it is absorbed by theFoliate Shield and ignored.The Green Knight passes through physicalbarriers as though they were not there. Hemoves in the same manner as a model thatcan fly.Summoned from the Mists:Do not setup the Green Knight at the start of thebattle. Instead, roll a dice in your herophase. On a 4 or more, set up the GreenKnight anywhere that is more than 9"from the enemy – this counts as his movefor that turn. On a roll of 3 or less, theGreen Knight does not appear, but youcan roll again in your next hero phase. Ifthe Green Knight is slain, he returns tothe mists, and you can see if he returns asdescribed above. Whenever he returns, allhis wounds are healed.KEYWORDSORDER, HUMAN, FREE PEOPLE, NOBILITY, GREEN KNIGHTBRETONNIAN LORDMOVEUNDSWO12"9MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage53+SAV EDucal Sword and Dragonbane LanceSteed’s Hooves2"1"523+4+4+4+-1-D31BRAERYVDESCRIPTIONA Bretonnian Lord is a single model. Herides a trusty Steed that has borne him intobattles without number. The Lord is armedwith a Ducal Sword and DragonbaneLance, and carries a Ducal Shield.PEGASUSABILITIESCourage of the Bretonni:Roll a dicewhenever aNobilitymodel from yourarmy flees within 10" of this model. On a 4or more, that model returns to the fray anddoes not flee.Dragonbane Lance:You can add 1 tothe wound rolls and Damage of a Lord’sDucal Sword and Dragonbane Lance if hecharged in the same turn. You can alsore-roll all failed hit rolls with this weaponif the target is a Monster.Ducal Shield:You can re-roll save rollsof 1 for a Bretonnian Lord in the combatphase if he charged in the same turn.COMMAND ABILITYLord of the Realm:In your next chargephase, you can re-roll charge rolls for thismodel and all units ofNobilityfrom yourarmy within 15" when you determine theircharge distance.Some Bretonnian Lords ride Pegasi; thesehave a Move of 16" rather than 12".FLYA Bretonnian Lord on a Pegasus can fly.KEYWORDSORDER, HUMAN, FREE PEOPLE, NOBILITY, HERO, BRETONNIAN LORDWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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