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//-->OGRE KINGDOMSWARSCROLLSCOMPENDIUMINTRODUCTIONThe hulking ogors are obsessed withtwo things – eating and fighting. Giventhe chance, they will indulge in bothat the same time. Emerging from theirlairs in cave networks, mountainsidesand tumbled ruins, the ravenous ogorsand their savage beasts go to war inevery Mortal Realm. Brutish and dense,a single ogor can flatten a dwelling-place, whilst a rampaging horde ofthe gluttonous bullies can topple anentire city.The warscrolls in this compendiumallow you to use your CitadelMiniatures collection in fantasticalbattle, whether telling epic stories setduring the Age of Sigmar, or recreatingthe wars of the world-that-was.WARSCROLL KEY1. Title:The name of the model that thewarscroll describes.2. Characteristics:This set of characteristics tells youhow fast, powerful and brave the model is, and howeffective its weapons are.3. Description:The description tells you what weaponsthe model can be armed with, and what upgrades (ifany) it can be given. The description will also tell you ifthe model is fielded on its own as a single model, or aspart of a unit. If the model is fielded as part of a unit,then the description will say how many models the unitshould have (if you don’t have enough models to field aunit, you can still field one unit with as many models asyou have available).4. Abilities:Abilities are things that the model can doduring a game that are not covered by the standardgame rules.5. Keywords:All models have a list of keywords.Sometimes a rule will say that it only applies to modelsthat have a specific keyword.6. Damage Table:Some models have a damage tablethat is used to determine one or more of the model’scharacteristics. Look up the number of wounds themodel has suffered to find the value of the characteristicin question.1TYRANTUNDSWO2MOVE6"88BRMISSILE WEAPONS4+AVERYBrace of Ogre PistolsMELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo Hit12"RangeTo Wound2AttacksRend4+To HitDamageSAVE3+To Wound-1RendD3DamageClub, Basher or SlicerMassive Ogre Club1"2"643+3+3+3+-1-223345A Tyrant is a single model. Some Tyrantsfight with a massive, double-handedOgre Club, while others prefer to wielda Club, Basher or Slicer in each hand.Some Tyrants instead fight with a singleClub, Basher or Slicer and carry a braceofOgre Pistols.Big Name:Before setting this modelup,roll a dice to discover its big name:DESCR IPTIONABILITIESD6 Name1Deathcheater:The Tyrant has 9Wounds instead of 8.2Brawlerguts:You can add 1 to woundrolls for this Tyrant in the combatphase if it charged in the same turn.3Mawseeker:The Tyrant has a Saveof3+ instead of 4+.4Longstrider:The Tyrant has a Moveof8" instead of 6".5Giantbreaker:If any of the Tyrant’sweapons targets aMonster,add 1toits Damage.6Choose the result.Club ‘em then Club ‘em Again:AllTyrants know that two clubs are betterthan one. You can re-roll failed hit rollsfora Tyrant armed with more than oneClub,Basher or Slicer.Bully of the First Degree:If a Tyrantuses this ability, pick oneOgorunitfromyour army within 6". That unit suffersD3mortal wounds but does not then havetotake battleshock tests for the rest ofthebattle whilst this Tyrant is alive andonthe battlefield.COMM AND ABILIT YKEYWORDSDESTRUCTION, OGOR, GUTBUSTER, HERO, TYRAN TBR AGG THE GUTSMANMOVEUNDSWO6"77BR5+AVERYMELEE WEAPONSBragg the Gutsman is a single model.He isarmed with Great Gutgouger, a fearsomemagical weapon that only he has theskillto wield.DESCR IPTIONSAVEGreat GutgougerRangeAttacksTo Hit3"To Wound3Rend4+Damage3+-13Gutgouger:Any wound roll of 6ormoremade with the Great Gutgouger inflictsdouble Damage.Slayer of Champions:You can add1 to allhit rolls made for Bragg the Gutsmanwhenhe targets aHero.ABILITIESThe Gutsman:If Bragg inflicts anywounds in the combat phase, the opposingplayer must subtract 1 from the Braveryof any of their units that are within6" ofBragg in the battleshock phase of thesame turn.KEYWORDSMOVESTONEHORNDESTRUCTION, OGOR, GUTBUMISSILE WEAPONSUNDSWO✹SAVE124+7BRAVERYBeastrider’s Hunting SpearBeastrider’s Punches and KicksStonehorn’s HornsStonehorn’s Crushing HoovesMELEE WEAPONSToTo HitAttacksSTER, HERO, BRAGG THE GUTSMRangeAN3+4+120"Harpoon LauncherWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games3+112"Workshop Ltd. 20154+pChaintraWoundRangeAttacksTo HitToWoundRendDamage--RendD33Damage2"1"2"1"✹23D64+4+4+3+3+4+3+✹---2-1213D36DAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedMoveHornsCrushing Hooves0-23-45-78-910+12"10"8"6"4"654322+3+3+4+4+DESCR IPTIONABILITIESA Stonehorn is a single model. The OgreisBeastrider on the Stonehorn’s backarmed with a Hunting Spear, a HarpoonLauncher, a Chaintrap or a Blood Vulture.withThe Beastrider can also lash outnbrutal Punches and Kicks. The Stonehoruses its Horns to pulverise the enemy,and can deliver terrible blows with itsCrushing Hooves.nEarth-shattering Charge:If a Stonehortheis within 12" of any enemy models atstart of your charge phase, it must attempttto charge, even if it ran in the movemenitsphase! After a Stonehorn completes1";charge move, pick an enemy unit withinthat unit suffers D6 mortal wounds.Stone Skeleton:Halve any wounds,on aincluding mortal wounds, inflictedStonehorn (rounding up).BloodBlood Vulture:A Beastrider with aofVulture can release it to hunt in eachso,your shooting phases. When he doesn.pick a unit within 30" of the Stonehoropponent then picks one of theirYourn.own units within 30" of the Stonehor2 or 3 the unit yourRoll a dice; on a 1,opponent picked suffers a mortal wound.ers aOn a 4, 5 or 6 the unit you picked suffmortal wound.KEYWORDSDESTRUCTION, OGOR, BEASTCLAW, MONSTER, STONEHORNWarhammer Age of Sigmar © GamesWorkshop Ltd. 2015Warhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015GREASUS GOLDTOOTHMOVEUNDSWO3"894+MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageSAV EThe Sceptre of Titans1"43+3+-2D6BRAERYVDESCRIPTIONGreasus Goldtooth is a single model. Heand his treasure are carried by a tide ofGnoblars. Greasus bears the Sceptre ofTitans and the Overtyrant’s Crown.COMMAND ABILITYEveryone Has Their Price:If GreasusGoldtooth uses this ability, select an enemyunit anywhere on the battlefield andchoose one of the effects listed below:- The unit cannot move in its next turn.- The unit cannot move, attack or castspells in its next turn.- All models in the unit immediately flee.- The unit changes sides and immediatelycomes under your control.Then, offer your opponent a bribe (thiscan be anything you want to offer). If youropponent accepts your bribe, the choseneffect takes place – otherwise, nothinghappens. Players are free to haggle over theoffered bribe, or propose a counter-offer...ABILITIESToo Rich To Walk:The great bulk ofGreasus’ treasure (and his massive gut)means that you only roll one dice whendetermining his charge distance.Overtyrant’s Crown:Ogorunits fromyour army add 1 to their Bravery whentaking battleshock tests if they are within14" of Greasus Goldtooth.KEYWORDSDESTRUCTION, OGOR, GUTBUSTER, HERO, TYRANT, GREASUS GOLDTOOTHWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015SKRAG THE SLAUGHTERERMOVEUNDSWO6"8104+MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageSAV EStump Blades1"2D64+3+-1BRAERYVDESCRIPTIONSkrag the Slaughterer is a single model.He fights with a pair of Stump Blades,crudely fixed to where his hands used tobe. He is lashed to a huge cauldron withhooked chains sunk into his flesh, inwhich he collects the severed body parts ofhis victims.ModelsSlain Powers Granted to Skrag1Skrag, and allGorgersfromyour army, heal D3 wounds.2As above. In addition, you canadd 1 to all hit rolls made forSkrag and anyGorgersfromyour army within 14" of himwhen they attack in your nextcombat phase.3+Both of the above. In addition,you can add 1 to all woundrolls made for Skrag and anyGorgersfrom your army thatare within 14"of him when theyattack in your next combat phase.Prophet of the Great Maw:In your herophase, Skrag the Slaughterer can pray tothe Great Maw. If he does so, pick one ofthe prayers below then roll a dice, adding1 to the result if Skrag slew any enemymodels in the previous turn. If the resultis a 4 or higher, the prayer is answered,and its effect takes place. If the result is a 1,Skrag has a violent bout of indigestion andsuffers a mortal wound.Bonecrusher:Skrag mumbles a prayerthrough great mouthfuls of ribs and skulls,and in answer the Great Maw causesenemy bones to snap and break. Roll adice for each enemy unit within 7" ofSkrag. On a 4 or more, that unit suffers amortal wound.Trollguts:Skrag gobbles down the slipperyinnards of a Troll and beseeches the GreatMaw to transfer the beast’s uncannyhealing powers upon his chosen servants.Pick anOgormodel within 14". Thatmodel heals D3 wounds.KEYWORDSDESTRUCTION, OGOR, GUTBUSTER, HERO, PRIEST, BUTCHER, SKRAG THE SLAUGHTERERABILITIESCauldron of the Great Maw:Keep trackof models that are slain by Skrag duringeach round of the battle. In your herophase, look up the number of models slainby Skrag in the last battle round in order tofind out what powers are granted to Skragby the cauldron:Warhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015TYRANTMOVEUNDSWO6"8MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage84+Brace of Ogre PistolsMELEE WEAPONS12"Range2Attacks4+To Hit3+To Wound-1RendD3DamageSAV EBRAERYVClub, Basher or SlicerMassive Ogre Club1"2"643+3+3+3+-1-223DESCRIPTIONA Tyrant is a single model. Some Tyrantsfight with a massive, double-handedOgre Club, while others prefer to wielda Club, Basher or Slicer in each hand.Some Tyrants instead fight with a singleClub, Basher or Slicer and carry a brace ofOgre Pistols.ABILITIESBig Name:Before setting this model up,roll a dice to discover its big name:D6 Name1Deathcheater:The Tyrant has 9Wounds instead of 8.2Brawlerguts:You can add 1 to woundrolls for this Tyrant in the combatphase if it charged in the same turn.3Mawseeker:The Tyrant has a Save of3+ instead of 4+.4Longstrider:The Tyrant has a Move of8" instead of 6".5Giantbreaker:If any of the Tyrant’sweapons targets aMonster,add 1 toits Damage.6Choose the result.Club ‘em then Club ‘em Again:AllTyrants know that two clubs are betterthan one. You can re-roll failed hit rolls fora Tyrant armed with more than one Club,Basher or Slicer.COMMAND ABILITYBully of the First Degree:If a Tyrantuses this ability, pick oneOgorunit fromyour army within 6". That unit suffers D3mortal wounds but does not then have totake battleshock tests for the rest of thebattle whilst this Tyrant is alive and onthe battlefield.KEYWORDSDESTRUCTION, OGOR, GUTBUSTER, HERO, TYRANTBRAGG THE GUTSMANMOVEUNDSWO6"775+MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageSAV EGreat Gutgouger3"34+3+-13BRAERYVDESCRIPTIONBragg the Gutsman is a single model. He isarmed with Great Gutgouger, a fearsomemagical weapon that only he has the skillto wield.ABILITIESGutgouger:Any wound roll of 6or moremade with the Great Gutgouger inflictsdouble Damage.Slayer of Champions:You can add 1 to allhit rolls made for Bragg the Gutsman whenhe targets aHero.The Gutsman:If Bragg inflicts anywounds in the combat phase, the opposingplayer must subtract 1 from the Braveryof any of their units that are within 6" ofBragg in the battleshock phase of thesame turn.KEYWORDSDESTRUCTION, OGOR, GUTBUSTER, HERO, BRAGG THE GUTSMANWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015
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