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//-->VAMPIRE COUNTSWARSCROLLSCOMPENDIUMWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015INTRODUCTIONIn the war-torn Mortal Realms, theunquiet dead are plentiful indeed.Some have the power to bind the slainto their will, from the most bestialcorpse to the most kingly of spectres.Their revenant armies walk abroadin every realm, grave-cold bladeshacking into warm flesh whenever theirmasters seek dominion over the living.None can rival Nagash, the GreatNecromancer – even Sigmar himselfhas cause to fear his name.The warscrolls in this compendiumallow you to use your CitadelMiniatures collection in fantasticalbattle, whether telling epic stories setduring the Age of Sigmar, or recreatingthe wars of the world-that-was.WARSCROLL KEY1. Title:The name of the model that thewarscroll describes.2. Characteristics:This set of characteristics tells youhow fast, powerful and brave the model is, and howeffective its weapons are.3. Description:The description tells you what weaponsthe model can be armed with, and what upgrades (ifany) it can be given. The description will also tell you ifthe model is fielded on its own as a single model, or aspart of a unit. If the model is fielded as part of a unit,then the description will say how many models the unitshould have (if you don’t have enough models to field aunit, you can still field one unit with as many models asyou have available).4. Abilities:Abilities are things that the model can doduring a game that are not covered by the standardgame rules.5. Keywords:All models have a list of keywords.Sometimes a rule will say that it only applies to modelsthat have a specific keyword.6. Damage Table:Some models have a damage tablethat is used to determine one or more of the model’scharacteristics. Look up the number of wounds themodel has suffered to find the value of the characteristicin question.1MORGHAST HARBINGERSMOVEUNDSWO29"610B4+RAVERYMELEE WEAPONS3A unit of Morghast Harbingers hasanynumber of models. Morghast Harbingersare armed with Spirit Swords.FLYDESCR IPTIONMorghast Harbingers can fly.SAVESpirit SwordsRangeAttacksTo Hit1"To Wound5Rend3+Damage3+-124Heralds of the Accursed One:Youcanadd 1 to the casting rolls for spells thatallow you to set up aDeath unit ifthecaster is within 18" of any Morghasts.Harbingers of Death:Roll 3 dice insteadof 2 when determining the charge rangefor this unit. In addition, you can declareacharge for this unit if it is within 18"of theenemy rather than 12".ABILITIESMAGICDeath Wizardsknow the SummonHarbingers spell, in addition to anyotherspells they know.Summon Harbingers has a casting valueof7. If successfu lly cast, you can set upa unitof up to 2 Morghast Harbingers within18" of the caster and more than 9" awayfrom the enemy. The unit is added toyourarmy, but cannot move in the followingmovement phase.SUMMON HARBINGERS5KEYWORDSDEATH, REANIM ANT, DEATHLORDS, MORGH AST HARBINGERSMORGHAST ARCHAIMOVEUNDSWO9"6BR4+10AVERYMELEE WEAPONSA unit of Morghast Archai has anynumberof models. They are armed with SpiritHalberds and wear Ebon-wrought Armour.FLYDESCR IPTIONMorghast Archai can fly.KEYWORDSNAGASH, SUPREME LORDOF THE UNDEADDEATH, REANIM ANT, DEATHLORDS, MORGH AST ARCHA IWorkshop Ltd. 2015Warhammer Age of Sigmar © GamesSAVESpirit HalberdRangeAttacksTo Hit2"To Wound3Rend3+Damage3+-23Heralds of the Accursed One:Youcanadd 1 to the casting rolls for spells thatallow you to set up aDeath unit ifthecaster is within 18" of any Morghasts.Ebon-wrought Armour:Each timethisunit suffers a mortal wound, roll a dice.If the result is 5 or 6 their Ebon-wroughtArmour protects them and the woundis ignored.ABILITIESMAGICDeath Wizardsknow the SummonArchai spell, in addition to any otherspellsthey know.Summon Archai has a casting valueof7. If successfu lly cast, you can set upaunit of up to 2 Morghast Archai within18" of the caster and more than 9" awayfrom the enemy. The unit is added toyourarmy, but cannot move in the followingmovement phase.SUMMON ARCHAIMOVEUNDSWOMISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage9"Gaze of Nagash12"Range1Attacks3+To Hit2+To Wound-1RendD6Damage16103+MELEE WEAPONSBRAVERYAlakanashZefet-nebtarSpirits’ Spectral Claws and Daggers3"2"1"13+3+5+2+3+4+-3-2-D6316DESCR IPTIONwithNagash is a single model. He fightsisZefet-nebtar, the Mortis Blade, andne,protected by the black plates of Morikhahimhis magical suit of armour. Aroundinswirl the Nine Books of Nagash, andofone hand he holds Alakanash, the StaffPower. Even his deathly Gaze can strikeisdown the most powerful of foes. Nagashfightaccompa nied by a host of spirits thatwith Spectral Claws and Daggers.FLYSAVE✹6DAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedThe Nine Books of NagashZefet-nebtarAlakanash0-34-67-1011-1314+Cast and unbind 5 extra spellsCast and unbind 4 extra spellsCast and unbind 3 extra spells65432SOUL STEALER+3 cast /+3 unbind+3 cast /+2 unbind+2 cast /+2 unbind+2 cast /+1 unbind+1 cast /+1 unbindCast and unbind 2 extra spellsCast and unbind 1 extra spellDeath Magic Incarnate:If Nagashyou tosuccessfu lly casts a spell that allowsset up a newDeathunit, you can doubleunit (ifthe number of models set up in thatHeroor aMonster,youhe summoned acan set up two units instead of one).Frightful Touch:If the hit roll for anClawsattack made by the spirits’ Spectraland Daggers is 6 or more, their frightfultouch stills the victim’s beating heart,immediately inflicting 1 mortal woundinstead of the normal damage.Levelling Alakanash at the enemy, Nagashcan steal their souls for sustenance.IfSoul Stealer has a casting value of 6.successfu lly cast, pick an enemy unitwithin 24" and roll two dice. If the totalitscore is greater than that unit’s Bravery,scoresuffers D3 mortal wounds. If the totalitis at least double that unit’s Bravery,suffers D6 mortal wounds instead. Nagashheals one wound for each mortal woundinflicted on the target.COMM AND ABILIT YNagash can fly.ABILITIESMAGICMorikhane:Roll a dice each time Nagashis asuffers a mortal wound. If the resultthe4 or more, the Black Armour deflectsmortal wound and it is ignored; if theinflicted the mortalresult is 6, the unit thatthe attack iswound suffers one in return asreflected back at them.The Nine Books of Nagash:The NineBooks of Nagash allow him to cast extraspells in his own hero phase, and unbindTheextra spells in the enemy hero phase.number of different spells he can attemptto cast or unbind is shown on the damagetable above.erThe Staff of Power:Add the modifilisted on the Damage Table to any castingor unbinding rolls for Nagash.to castNagash is a wizard. He can attemptherothree different spells in each of yourspellsphases, and attempt to unbind threehein each enemy hero phase. In addition,spellscan attempt to cast or unbind extraknowswith the Nine Books of Nagash. Heofthe Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield, Handas anyDust and Soul Stealer spells, as wellsspells known by otherDeath Wizardon the battlefield.HAND OF DUSTSupreme Lord of Death:Nagash’sunbreakable will infuses his army withunknowable power. If Nagash uses thisyouability then until your next hero phaseallcan re-roll hit and save rolls of 1 fordo notDeathunits in your army and theyneed to take battleshock tests.It is said that the touch of Nagash canthemwither and age any mortal, turningto little more than a pile of dusty bonesain mere moments. Hand of Dust haspickcasting value of 8. If successfu lly cast,aan enemy model within 3". Then, takeand hide it in one of your hands. Holddicein front of your opponent andyour handsone. If they pick the oneask them to picktheholding the dice, their model dodgesdustattack. If not, the model is turned toand is slain!ER, HERO, PRIEST, WIZARD, NAGASHWorkshop Ltd. 2015KEYWORDSDEATH, DEATHLORDS, MONSTWarhammer Age of Sigmar © GamesWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015NAGASH, SUPREME LORDOF THE UNDEADMOVEMISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageUNDSWO9"Gaze of Nagash12"Range1Attacks3+To Hit2+To Wound-1RendD6Damage16103+MELEE WEAPONSSAV EAlakanashZefet-nebtarSpirits’ Spectral Claws and Daggers3"2"1"13+3+5+2+3+4+-3-2-D631BRAERYV✹6DAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedThe Nine Books of NagashZefet-nebtarAlakanash0-34-67-1011-1314+Cast and unbind 5 extra spellsCast and unbind 4 extra spellsCast and unbind 3 extra spellsCast and unbind 2 extra spellsCast and unbind 1 extra spell65432SOUL STEALER+3 cast /+3 unbind+3 cast /+2 unbind+2 cast /+2 unbind+2 cast /+1 unbind+1 cast /+1 unbindDESCRIPTIONNagash is a single model. He fights withZefet-nebtar, the Mortis Blade, and isprotected by the black plates of Morikhane,his magical suit of armour. Around himswirl the Nine Books of Nagash, and inone hand he holds Alakanash, the Staff ofPower. Even his deathly Gaze can strikedown the most powerful of foes. Nagash isaccompanied by a host of spirits that fightwith Spectral Claws and Daggers.FLYDeath Magic Incarnate:If Nagashsuccessfully casts a spell that allows you toset up a newDeathunit, you can doublethe number of models set up in that unit (ifhe summoned aHeroor aMonster,youcan set up two units instead of one).Frightful Touch:If the hit roll for anattack made by the spirits’ Spectral Clawsand Daggers is 6 or more, their frightfultouch stills the victim’s beating heart,immediately inflicting 1 mortal woundinstead of the normal damage.Levelling Alakanash at the enemy, Nagashcan steal their souls for sustenance.Soul Stealer has a casting value of 6. Ifsuccessfully cast, pick an enemy unitwithin 24" and roll two dice. If the totalscore is greater than that unit’s Bravery, itsuffers D3 mortal wounds. If the total scoreis at least double that unit’s Bravery, itsuffers D6 mortal wounds instead. Nagashheals one wound for each mortal woundinflicted on the target.Nagash can fly.COMMAND ABILITYSupreme Lord of Death:Nagash’sunbreakable will infuses his army withunknowable power. If Nagash uses thisability then until your next hero phase youcan re-roll hit and save rolls of 1 for allDeathunits in your army and they do notneed to take battleshock tests.ABILITIESMorikhane:Roll a dice each time Nagashsuffers a mortal wound. If the result is a4 or more, the Black Armour deflects themortal wound and it is ignored; if theresult is 6, the unit that inflicted the mortalwound suffers one in return as the attack isreflected back at them.The Nine Books of Nagash:The NineBooks of Nagash allow him to cast extraspells in his own hero phase, and unbindextra spells in the enemy hero phase. Thenumber of different spells he can attemptto cast or unbind is shown on the damagetable above.The Staff of Power:Add the modifierlisted on the Damage Table to any castingor unbinding rolls for Nagash.MAGICNagash is a wizard. He can attempt to castthree different spells in each of your herophases, and attempt to unbind three spellsin each enemy hero phase. In addition, hecan attempt to cast or unbind extra spellswith the Nine Books of Nagash. He knowsthe Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield, Hand ofDust and Soul Stealer spells, as well as anyspells known by otherDeath Wizardson the battlefield.HAND OF DUSTIt is said that the touch of Nagash canwither and age any mortal, turning themto little more than a pile of dusty bonesin mere moments. Hand of Dust has acasting value of 8. If successfully cast, pickan enemy model within 3". Then, take adice and hide it in one of your hands. Holdyour hands in front of your opponent andask them to pick one. If they pick the oneholding the dice, their model dodges theattack. If not, the model is turned to dustand is slain!KEYWORDSDEATH, DEATHLORDS, MONSTER, HERO, PRIEST, WIZARD, NAGASHWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015ARKHAN THE BLACKMOVEMELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageUNDSWO✹4+RAVERYSAV EZefet-karKhenash-anRazarak’s Ebon ClawsSpirits’ Spectral Claws and Daggers1"2"1"1"113+4+4+5+3+3+3+4+-1-1-2-D3D3211110B✹6DAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedMoveEbon ClawsKhenash-an0-23-45-67-89+16"13"10"7"4"65432+2 cast /+2 unbind+2 cast /+1 unbind+1 cast /+1 unbind+1 cast-DESCRIPTIONArkhan the Black is a single model. Hefights with Zefet-kar, the Tomb Blade, andrides into battle on the back of Razarak,a dread abyssal mount that strikes downArkhan’s foes with its Ebon Claws. Arkhanalso carries Khenash-an, the Staff of Spirits– an arcane artefact that stores the magicalenergy Arkhan uses to empower his spells.Arkhan is accompanied by a host of spiritsthat fight with Spectral Claws and Daggers.FLYFrightful Touch:If the hit roll for anattack made by the spirits’ Spectral Clawsand Daggers is 6 or more, their frightfultouch stills the victim’s beating heart,immediately inflicting 1 mortal woundinstead of the normal damage.MAGICArkhan the Black is a wizard. He canattempt to cast two different spells in eachof your hero phases, and attempt to unbindtwo spells in each enemy hero phase. Heknows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield andCurse of Years spells. Arkhan also knowsthe spells of anyDeath Wizardthat iswithin 18" of him.CURSE OF YEARSor more, the target suffers another mortalwound and you can roll another dice. Keeprolling dice in this way, inflicting mortalwounds and reducing the roll needed tocause them by 1 each time, until either nowounds are inflicted or the target unit hasbeen reduced to a pile of corpse-dust!COMMAND ABILITYFirst of the Mortarchs:If Arkhan theBlack uses this ability, then allDeathWizardswithin 18" of him can increasethe range of their spells by 6" this phase.Arkhan the Black can fly.ABILITIESFeaster of Souls:Arkhan the Black heals 2wounds at the end of each combat phase inwhich he slew any models.Staff of Spirits:When Arkhan attemptsto cast or unbind a spell, add Khenash-an’smodifier (listed on the damage table above)to the roll.Mortarch of Sacrament:You can add 1to Arkhan’s casting rolls for spells thatallow you to set up a newDeathunit onthe battlefield.KEYWORDSTracing a spiteful gesture in the air,Arkhan curses the enemy to age at anincredible rate. Curse of Years has a castingvalue of 6. If successfully cast, pick a visibleunit within 18" and roll ten dice. For eachroll of 6, that unit suffers a mortal woundand you can roll an extra dice. For each rollof 5 or more on these extra dice, the targetsuffers another mortal wound and you canroll another dice. Now, for each roll of 4DEATH, SKELETON, DEATHLORDS, MONSTER, HERO, WIZARD, ARKHAN THE BLACKWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015MANNFRED, MORTARCH OF NIGHTMOVEMELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageUNDSWO✹4+RAVERYSAV EGheistvorSickle-glaiveAshigaroth’s Ebon ClawsSpirits’ Spectral Claws and Daggers1"2"1"1"423+3+4+5+3+3+3+4+-1-1-2-D32211110B✹6DAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedMoveEbon ClawsVigour of Undeath0-23-45-67-89+16"13"10"7"4"6543215"12"9"6"3"DESCRIPTIONMannfred, Mortarch of Night, is a singlemodel. He is armed with Gheistvor, theSword of Unholy Power, and a Sickle-glaive. He also wears the Armour ofTemplehof and rides into battle on the backof Ashigaroth – a dread abyssal mountthat strikes down the vampire’s foes withits Ebon Claws. Mannfred is accompaniedby a host of spirits that fight with SpectralClaws and Daggers.FLYABILITIESFeaster of Souls:Mannfred, Mortarch ofNight, heals 2 wounds at the end of eachcombat phase in which he slew any models.Armour of Templehof:The first woundor mortal wound inflicted on Mannfredeach turn is absorbed by the Armour ofTemplehof and ignored.Sword of Unholy Power:If Gheistvorinflicts any wounds in the combat phase,you can add 1 to the next casting orunbinding roll for Mannfred.Mortarch of Night:If it is nighttime, oryou cannot see the sun, you can add 1 to allhit and wound rolls for Gheistvor.Frightful Touch:If the hit roll for anattack made by the spirits’ Spectral Clawsand Daggers is 6 or more, their frightfultouch stills the victim’s beating heart,immediately inflicting 1 mortal woundinstead of the normal damage.MAGICMannfred is a wizard. He can attempt tocast two different spells in each of yourhero phases, and attempt to unbind twospells in each enemy hero phase. He knowsthe Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and Windof Death spells.WIND OF DEATHMannfred can fly when he is mountedupon Ashigaroth.Mannfred sends forth a gust of spectralwind that tears the souls from the bodies ofany who feel its bite. Wind of Death has acasting value of 7. If successfully cast, picka visible model within 18" of the caster.Each enemy unit within 6" of that modelsuffers 1 mortal wound, while the model’sown unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.COMMAND ABILITYMortarch’s Vigour of Undeath:Mannfred’s iron will binds his minionsto his service and pushes them beyondtheir normal limits. If Mannfred usesthis ability, then until your next herophase you can re-roll hit and wound rollsof 1 forDeathunits from your armythat are within the range shown on thedamage table.KEYWORDSDEATH, VAMPIRE, DEATHLORDS, MONSTER, HERO, WIZARD, MANNFRED VON CARSTEINWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015
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