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//-->DAEMONS CHAOSOFWARSCROLLSCOMPENDIUMINTRODUCTIONHellish spawn of the Dark Gods, thedaemons of Chaos exist only to corruptand destroy. They are the foot soldiersof Chaos, malicious entities whosevery existence is anathema to theMortal Realms.Though each Chaos God is served bytheir own rival daemons, all put asidetheir differences to invade the MortalRealms. Only the most courageous canstand before such infernal hordes, andeven they stand little chance...The warscrolls in this compendiumallow you to use your CitadelMiniatures collection in fantasticalbattle, whether telling epic stories setduring the Age of Sigmar, or recreatingthe wars of the world-that-was.WARSCROLL KEY1. Title:The name of the model that thewarscroll describes.2. Characteristics:Each warscroll has a set ofcharacteristics that tell you how fast, powerful andbrave the model is, and how effective its weapons are.3. Description:The description tells you what weaponsthe model can be armed with, and what upgrades (ifany) it can be given. The description will also tell you ifthe model is fielded on its own as a single model, or aspart of a unit. If the model is fielded as part of a unit,then the description will say how many models the unitshould have (if you don’t have enough models to field aunit, you can still field one unit with as many models asyou have available).4. Abilities:Abilities are things that the model can doduring a game that are not covered by the standardgame rules.5. Keywords:All models have a list of keywords.Sometimes a rule will say that it only applies to modelsthat have a specific keyword on their warscroll.6. Damage Table:Some models have a damage tablethat is used to determine one or more of the model’scharacteristics. Look up the number of wounds themodel has suffered to find the value of the characteristicin question.1SKULLTAKERMOVEUNDSWO25"510B4+RAVERYMELEE WEAPONS3Skulltaker is single model. He is armedwith the murderous Slayer Sword, andwears his infamous Cloak of Skulls.DESCR IPTIONSAVEThe Slayer SwordRangeAttacksTo Hit1"To Wound3Rend3+Damage3+-134Cloak of Skulls:You can re-roll failedsaverolls for Skulltaker.Decapitating Strike:If the hit rollforthe Slayer Sword is 6 or more, that blowinflicts 3 mortal wounds instead ofitsnormal damage.Skulls for Khorne:You can re-rollallfailed hit and wound rolls when Skulltakertargets aHero.ABILITIES5KEYWORDSCHAOS , DAEMON, BLOODLETTER, KHORN E, HERO, SKULLTAKERHERALD OF KHORNEMOVEUNDSWO5"5BR4+10AVERYMELEE WEAPONSA Herald of Khorne is a single modelthatwields a ruinous Blade of Blood.DESCR IPTIONSAVEBlade of BloodRangeAttacksTo Hit1"To Wound4Rend3+Damage3+-11Decapitating Blow:If the hit roll foraBlade of Blood is 6 or more, that blowinflicts a mortal wound instead of itsnormal damage.The Blood Must Flow:After a Heraldof Khorne attacks in the combat phase,you can pick anotherBloodletterunitwithin 8". That unit can immediatelypilein and attack if it is within 3" of theenemyand has not already attacked this phase.ABILITIESMAGICChaos Wizardsknow the SummonHerald of Khorne spell, in additionto anyothers they know.Summon Herald of Khorne has a castingvalue of 5. If successfu lly cast, you cansetup a Herald of Khorne within 16" ofthecaster and more than 9" from any enemymodels. This model is added to yourarmy but cannot move in the followingmovement phase.SUMMON HERALD OF KHORNEKEYWORDSCHAOS , DAEMON, BLOODLETTERBLOODTHIRSTER OFINSENSATE RAGE, KHORN E, HERO, HERALD OFWorkshop Ltd. 2015Warhammer Age of Sigmar © GamesKHORN EMOVEUNDSWO✹SAVE14104+MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageGreat Axe of Khorne2"✹4+2+-2D6BRAVERY6DAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedMoveGreat Axe of KhorneOutrageous Carnage0-34-67-910-1213+10"9"8"7"6"443323 mortal woundsD3 mortal woundsD3 mortal wounds1 mortal wound1 mortal woundDESCR IPTIONMAGICOutrageous Carnage:A Great Axesof Khorne strikes with the boundlesrage of the Blood God himself. As theunfortunate target is pulverised, thosethrown backwards, their brainsnearby areareexploding from their skulls as theyIfstruck by a bow wave of incredible force.the wound roll for a Great Axe of Khorne8"is 6 or more, each enemy unit withinofof the Bloodthirster suffers a numbermortal wounds. The number of mortalwounds suffered is shown in the damagetable above.aA Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage isAxesingle model. It wields a gigantic Greatof Khorne in both hands.FLYChaos Wizardsknow the SummontoBloodthirster of Rage spell, in additionany others they know.OF RAGESUMMON BLOODT HIRSTERA Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage canfly.ABILITIESrolls ofRage Unbound:You can re-roll hit1 for a Great Axe of Khorne if this modelcharged this turn.aSummon Bloodthirster of Rage hascasting value of 10. If successfu lly cast,you can set up a Bloodthirster of InsensateRage within 16" of the caster and moree unitthan 9" from any enemy models. Thinis added to your army but cannot movethe following movement phase.COMM AND ABILIT YsterBloodthirsty Charge:If a Bloodthirinof Insensate Rage uses this ability, thentheyour next charge phase, you can re-rolldice when determining the charge distance8".for anyKhorne Daemonunits withinER, HERO, BLOODT HIRSTE R OFINSENSATE RAGEKEYWORDSCHAOS, DAEMON, KHORN E, MONSTWarhammer Age of Sigmar © GamesWorkshop Ltd. 2015Warhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015BLOODTHIRSTER OFINSENSATE RAGEMOVEUNDSWO✹4+10SAV E14MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageGreat Axe of Khorne2"✹4+2+-2D6BRAERYVDAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedMoveGreat Axe of KhorneOutrageous Carnage0-34-67-910-1213+10"9"8"7"6"443323 mortal woundsD3 mortal woundsD3 mortal wounds1 mortal wound1 mortal woundDESCRIPTIONA Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage is asingle model. It wields a gigantic Great Axeof Khorne in both hands.FLYMAGICOutrageous Carnage:A Great Axeof Khorne strikes with the boundlessrage of the Blood God himself. As theunfortunate target is pulverised, thosenearby are thrown backwards, their brainsexploding from their skulls as they arestruck by a bow wave of incredible force. Ifthe wound roll for a Great Axe of Khorneis 6 or more, each enemy unit within 8"of the Bloodthirster suffers a number ofmortal wounds. The number of mortalwounds suffered is shown in the damagetable above.Chaos Wizardsknow the SummonBloodthirster of Rage spell, in addition toany others they know.SUMMON BLOODTHIRSTER OF RAGEA Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage can fly.ABILITIESRage Unbound:You can re-roll hit rolls of1 for a Great Axe of Khorne if this modelcharged this turn.Summon Bloodthirster of Rage has acasting value of 10. If successfully cast,you can set up a Bloodthirster of InsensateRage within 16" of the caster and morethan 9" from any enemy models. The unitis added to your army but cannot move inthe following movement phase.COMMAND ABILITYBloodthirsty Charge:If a Bloodthirsterof Insensate Rage uses this ability, then inyour next charge phase, you can re-roll thedice when determining the charge distancefor anyKhorne Daemonunits within 8".KEYWORDSCHAOS, DAEMON, KHORNE, MONSTER, HERO, BLOODTHIRSTER OF INSENSATE RAGEWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015BLOODTHIRSTER OFUNFETTERED FURYMOVEUNDSWO14✹10MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage4+Lash of KhorneMELEE WEAPONS8"Range✹Attacks4+To Hit3+To Wound-1RendD3DamageSAV EBRAERYVMighty Axe of Khorne2"63+✹-2D3DAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedMoveLash of KhorneMighty Axe of Khorne0-34-67-910-1213+10"9"8"7"6"433212+3+3+4+4+DESCRIPTIONA Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury is asingle model. It wields a barbed Lash ofKhorne in one hand and a Mighty Axe ofKhorne in the other.FLYMAGICThe Land Rebels:The ground around aBloodthirster of Unfettered Fury becomescracked and broken beneath its stompinghooves, causing molten rock to bubble upfrom deep below. At the beginning of yourhero phase, roll a dice for each enemy unitwithin 8". On a 6, that unit suffers a mortalwound and halves its Move until your nexthero phase.Chaos Wizardsknow the SummonBloodthirster of Fury spell, in addition toany others they know.SUMMON BLOODTHIRSTER OF FURYA Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury can fly.ABILITIESDrawn In for the Kill:If a Bloodthirsterof Unfettered Fury hits an enemyHeroorMonsterwith its Lash of Khornebut does not kill it, roll a dice at the endof the shooting phase and move themodel that many inches directly towardsthe Bloodthirster. The model can be movedto within 3" of the Bloodthirster.COMMAND ABILITYRejoice in the Slaughter:A Bloodthirsterof Unfettered Fury is an unsubtle leader,driving its subjects into the enemy in greatnumbers. If a Bloodthirster of UnfetteredFury uses this ability, then until yournext hero phaseKhorne Daemonunitswithin 8" of this model when they pile incan move up to 6" instead of 3".Summon Bloodthirster of Fury has acasting value of 10. If successfully cast, youcan set up a Bloodthirster of UnfetteredFury within 16" of the caster and morethan 9" from any enemy models. The unitis added to your army but cannot move inthe following movement phase.KEYWORDSCHAOS, DAEMON, KHORNE, MONSTER, HERO, BLOODTHIRSTER OF UNFETTERED FURYWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015WRATH OF KHORNEBLOODTHIRSTERMOVEUNDSWO✹4+RAVERYSAV EMISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage1410BHellfire BreathBloodflailMELEE WEAPONS8"12"Range11AttacksSee below3+To Hit3+To Wound-1Rend✹DamageMighty Axe of Khorne2"63+✹-2D3DAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedMoveBloodflailMighty Axe of Khorne0-34-67-910-1213+10"9"8"7"6"633D3D32+3+3+4+4+DESCRIPTIONA Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster isa single model. It wields a murderousBloodflail in one hand and a Mighty Axe ofKhorne in the other.FLYMAGICRelentless Hunter:You can re-roll anyfailed hit rolls for attacks made by thismodel againstHeroesorMonsters.Rune-crown of Khorne:A Wrath ofKhorne Bloodthirster can attempt tounbind one spell in each enemy hero phaseas if it were a wizard. Add 2 to the result ofany unbinding rolls made for it.Chaos Wizardsknow the SummonBloodthirster of Wrath spell, in addition toany others they know.SUMMON BLOODTHIRSTEROF WRATHA Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster can fly.ABILITIESHellfire Breath:In the shooting phase,a Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster canbreathe a roaring blast of hellfire. Picka unit within range that is visible tothe Bloodthirster; that unit suffers D3mortal wounds.COMMAND ABILITYLord of the Blood Hunt:If a Wrath ofKhorne Bloodthirster uses this ability,select a unit ofKhorne Daemonswithin16". Until your next hero phase, that unitcan run and charge in the same turn andyou can add 1 to its run and charge rolls.Summon Bloodthirster of Wrath has acasting value of 10. If successfully cast, youcan set up a Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirsterwithin 16" of the caster and more than 9"from any enemy models. The unit is addedto your army but cannot move in thefollowing movement phase.KEYWORDSCHAOS, DAEMON, KHORNE, MONSTER, HERO, WRATH OF KHORNE BLOODTHIRSTERWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015
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