warhammer-aos-tomb-kings-en, Gry Bitewne, Age of Sigmar

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//-->TOMB KINGSWARSCROLLSCOMPENDIUMINTRODUCTIONThe lands of the dead are home torevenant armies, and amongst themare the phalanxes of the Tomb Kings.These undying legions are led to warby megalomaniacal conquerors whosedynasty stretches across the aeons.Beside serried ranks of skeletons andchariots fight stone-hard reanimantsand creatures from the barren desertsof the afterlife. When bound to the willof Nagash and the other masters ofdeath, the Tomb Kings are unstoppable.The warscrolls in this compendiumallow you to use your CitadelMiniatures collection in fantasticalbattle, whether telling epic stories setduring the Age of Sigmar, or recreatingthe wars of the world-that-was.WARSCROLL KEY1. Title:The name of the model that thewarscroll describes.2. Characteristics:This set of characteristics tells youhow fast, powerful and brave the model is, and howeffective its weapons are.3. Description:The description tells you what weaponsthe model can be armed with, and what upgrades (ifany) it can be given. The description will also tell you ifthe model is fielded on its own as a single model, or aspart of a unit. If the model is fielded as part of a unit,then the description will say how many models the unitshould have (if you don’t have enough models to field aunit, you can still field one unit with as many models asyou have available).4. Abilities:Abilities are things that the model can doduring a game that are not covered by the standardgame rules.5. Keywords:All models have a list of keywords.Sometimes a rule will say that it only applies to modelsthat have a specific keyword.6. Damage Table:Some models have a damage tablethat is used to determine one or more of the model’scharacteristics. Look up the number of wounds themodel has suffered to find the value of the characteristicin question.1HIGH QUEEN KHALIDAMOVE2UNDSWO4"MISSILE WEAPONS510B4+RAVERYThe Venom StaffMELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo Hit18"RangeTo Wound1AttacksRend2+To HitDamageSAVE3+To Wound-RendD6DamageThe Venom Staff1"12+3+-D6345High Queen Khalida is a single model.She is armed with the Venom Staff,amagical stave that writhes with a lifeof itsown, spitting bolts of magical venomandstriking out at foes with lightning speedinclose combat.Beloved of the Asp Goddess:If Khalidais slain, the unit that inflicted the finalwound upon her immediately suffers3mortal wounds.KEYWORDSDESCR IPTIONABILITIESAncient Hatred:Khalida was betrayedmillennia ago by Neferata. She has neverforgiven her or her vampire kind. Youcanre-roll the damage inflicted by the VenomStaff against aVampireunit. You canalso re-roll failed hit rolls if the targetisNeferataherself.Supernatural Speed:Khalida canstrikeat an impossibly quick speed. If, in thecombat phase, your opponent selectsa unitwithin 3" of her to pile in and attackwith,QUEEN KHALIDAbut Khalida has yet to attack this phase,you can immediately pile in and attackwith her, even though it is your opponent’sturn to attack with a unit.Blessing of Asaph:If High Queen Khalidauses this ability, then until your nextherophase you can add 1 to all hit rolls madebySkeletonsin your army duringyourshooting phase.COMM AND ABILIT YDEATH, MUMM Y, HERO, HIGHTOMB KINGMOVEUNDSWO4"610B4+RAVERYMELEE WEAPONSDynastic BladeMonarch’s Great BladeRangeAttacksTo Hit1"1"To WoundA Tomb King is a single model. It canbearmed with an Dynastic Blade andcarry aRoyal Tomb Shield, or wield a two-handedMonarch ’s Great Blade.DESCR IPTIONKEYWORDSMOVEKHEMRIAN WARSPHINXDEATH, MUMM Y, HERO, TOMBMISSILE WEAPONSSAVE43Rend3+3+Damage3+3+-1-2D33The Tomb King’s Curse:A powerfulcursehangs over these mummified lords.If aTomb King is slain, the unit that inflictedthe final wound upon him immediatelysuffers D3 mortal wounds.Royal Tomb Shield:You can re-rollfailedsave rolls for a Tomb King with a RoyalTomb Shield.ABILITIESMy Will Be Done:If a Tomb King usesthis ability, pick oneSkeletonunitwithin 18". Until your next hero phaseyoucan add 1 to all hit, run and chargerolls forthat unit.COMM AND ABILIT YKINGRange8"RangeAttacksWorkshop Ltd. 2015To HitTo WoundRendDamageFiery RoarSAVEUNDSWO126"10Warhammer Age of Sigmar © Games13+To Hit✹To Wound-1RendD6DamageMELEE WEAPONSAttacks4+BRAVERYStone Claws and TeethBladed TailVenom-spike TailTomb Guards’ Spears1"3"3"2"631✹4+3+3+3+3+3+3+-1-1-2-11D31✹6Wounds SufferedFiery RoarDAMAGE TABLEStone Claws and Teeth0-23-45-78-910+2+3+4+5+6+3+4+4+5+5+Tomb Guards’ Spears87654DESCR IPTIONABILITIESMAGICA Khemria n Warsphin x is a single model.It crushes its foes with its gigantic StoneintoClaws and Teeth and smashes themthe ground with its Thundercrush Attack.A Khemria n Warsphin x can also immolatewith its Fiery Roar.the enemy from afaraSome Khemria n Warsphin xes haveaVenom-spike Tail, whilst others havex bearsBladed Tail. A Khemria n Warsphinwithan ornate howdah on its back, fi lleda crew of four Tomb Guard armed withlong Spears.KEYWORDSThundercrush Attack:After this modelcompletes a charge move, pick one enemydice.unit that is within 1" of it and roll atheIf the dice roll is less than or equal tothatnumber of models in the chosen unit,unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.orSacred War Statue:Halve any woundsnmortal wounds inflicted on a KhemriaWarsphin x (rounding fractions up).Death Wizardsknow the Stone Shapingspell, in addition to any other spellsthey know.STONE SHAPINGflowsAs the wizard chants cracked stoneitselflike wax and twisted metal reshapesto repair the war-statuary of ancienthas a casting valuetimes. Stone Shapingpick a Khemria nof 6. If successfu lly cast,Warsphin x within 18". That model healsD3 wounds.KHEMR IAN WARSPHINXDEATH, REANIM ANT, SKELETON, DEATHRATTLE , MONSTER,Warhammer Age of Sigmar © GamesWorkshop Ltd. 2015Warhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015SETTRA THE IMPERISHABLEMOVEUNDSWO10"MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage810B3+RAVERYDESCRIPTIONSettra the Imperishable is a single model.He is armed with the Blessed Blade of Ptra.Settra bears the Crown of Nehekhara uponhis head and the Scarab Broach of Usirianupon his breast. He rides upon the mightyscythed Chariot of the Gods, which isdrawn into battle by four Skeletal Steedsthat attack with their Thundering Hooves.SAV EThe Blessed Blade of PtraSteeds’ Thundering Hooves2"1"483+4+3+5+-2-31ABILITIESCrown of Nehekhara:If Settra theImperishable is your general,MummyHeroesfrom your army that are within18" of him in your hero phase can useCommand Abilities even though they arenot your general.Chariot of the Gods:In the combat phase,if this model charged in the same turn,Settra makes 6 attacks rather than 4 withthe Blessed Blade of Ptra, and you candouble the number of attacks made by hisSkeletal Steeds’ Thundering Hooves andadd 1 to the Steeds’ wound rolls.Incantation of the Desert Wind:Settraalone among the Tomb Kings knows thesecrets of the Mortuary Cult, though hehas never fully mastered their mysticalart. In your hero phase Settra can pray tothe ancient gods to invoke the Incantationof the Desert Wind. If he does so, pick aDeathrattleunit within 18" and rolla dice; on a 1 Settra utters an incorrectphrase and suffers 1 mortal wound. Ona roll of 2 or more the incantation issuccessfully carried out – the chosen unitcan double the distance it can move andgains the ability to fly for the duration ofits next movement phase.The Scarab Broach of Usirian:Roll adice each time Settra suffers a wound or amortal wound. On a roll of 5 or more thewound is absorbed by the Scarab Brooch ofUsirian and is ignored.Settra’s Curse:If Settra is slain, the unitthat inflicted the final wound upon himimmediately suffers D6 mortal wounds.COMMAND ABILITYAnd He Did Say ‘War’, and the WorldDid Tremble...:If Settra the Imperishableuses this ability, you must hold out yourhand and utter ‘War’ in a supremelycommanding tone. If you do, then untilyour next hero phase you can add 1 to allhit rolls forDeathunits in your armythat are within 18" of Settra in the combatphase. If aDeathrattleunit is affectedby this ability, you can also add 1 to theirwound rolls in the combat phase. However,if Settra is your general, you must notkneel for any reason during the battle. Ifyou do, even once, you immediately losethe battle. Settra does not kneel!KEYWORDSDEATH, MUMMY, HERO, PRIEST, TOMB KING, SETTRA THE IMPERISHABLEWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015HIGH QUEEN KHALIDAMOVEUNDSWO4"MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage5104+The Venom StaffMELEE WEAPONS18"Range1Attacks2+To Hit3+To Wound-RendD6DamageSAV EBRAERYVThe Venom Staff1"12+3+-D6DESCRIPTIONHigh Queen Khalida is a single model.She is armed with the Venom Staff, amagical stave that writhes with a life of itsown, spitting bolts of magical venom andstriking out at foes with lightning speed inclose combat.Ancient Hatred:Khalida was betrayedmillennia ago by Neferata. She has neverforgiven her or her vampire kind. You canre-roll the damage inflicted by the VenomStaff against aVampireunit. You canalso re-roll failed hit rolls if the target isNeferataherself.Supernatural Speed:Khalida can strikeat an impossibly quick speed. If, in thecombat phase, your opponent selects a unitwithin 3" of her to pile in and attack with,but Khalida has yet to attack this phase,you can immediately pile in and attackwith her, even though it is your opponent’sturn to attack with a unit.COMMAND ABILITYBlessing of Asaph:If High Queen Khalidauses this ability, then until your next herophase you can add 1 to all hit rolls madebySkeletonsin your army during yourshooting phase.ABILITIESBeloved of the Asp Goddess:If Khalidais slain, the unit that inflicted the finalwound upon her immediately suffers 3mortal wounds.KEYWORDSDEATH, MUMMY, HERO, HIGH QUEEN KHALIDATOMB KINGMOVEUNDSWO4"MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage610B4+RAVERYDESCRIPTIONA Tomb King is a single model. It can bearmed with an Dynastic Blade and carry aRoyal Tomb Shield, or wield a two-handedMonarch’s Great Blade.SAV EDynastic BladeMonarch’s Great Blade1"1"433+3+3+3+-1-2D33ABILITIESThe Tomb King’s Curse:A powerful cursehangs over these mummified lords. If aTomb King is slain, the unit that inflictedthe final wound upon him immediatelysuffers D3 mortal wounds.Royal Tomb Shield:You can re-roll failedsave rolls for a Tomb King with a RoyalTomb Shield.COMMAND ABILITYMy Will Be Done:If a Tomb King usesthis ability, pick oneSkeletonunitwithin 18". Until your next hero phase youcan add 1 to all hit, run and charge rolls forthat unit.KEYWORDSDEATH, MUMMY, HERO, TOMB KINGWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015TOMB KING IN ROYAL CHARIOTMOVEUNDSWO10"MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage810B3+RAVERYDESCRIPTIONA Tomb King in Royal Chariot is a singlemodel. The Tomb King is armed with aDynastic Blade. The chariot is drawn intobattle by a pair of Skeletal Steeds thatattack with their Thundering Hooves.SAV EDynastic BladeSteeds’ Thundering Hooves1"1"443+4+3+5+-1-D31ABILITIESThe Tomb King’s Curse:If a TombKing in Royal Chariot is slain, the unitthat inflicted the final wound upon himimmediately suffers D3 mortal wounds.Royal Chariot:In the combat phase, if thismodel charged in the same turn, the TombKing makes 6 attacks rather than 4 withhis Dynastic Blade and you can double thenumber of attacks made by his SkeletalSteed’s Thundering Hooves.COMMAND ABILITY‘And the Tomb Kings Rode to War...’:If a Tomb King in Royal Chariot usesthis ability you can choose to re-rollcharge rolls for this model and all unitsofSkeleton Chariotsfrom your armythat are within 18" of him in your nextcharge phase.KEYWORDSDEATH, MUMMY, HERO, TOMB KINGPRINCE APOPHASMOVEUNDSWO12"10MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage55+Tide of Scuttling ScarabsMELEE WEAPONS10"Range2D6Attacks3+To Hit5+To Wound-Rend1DamageSAV EBRAERYVCursed Dagger of Eternal Blood1"53+3+-1DESCRIPTIONPrince Apophas is a single model. He isarmed with the Cursed Dagger of EternalBlood, and can vomit forth a Tide ofScuttling Scarabs to engulf his enemies.FLYABILITIESSoul Reaper:Prince Apophas mustsacrifice worthy souls to the god of theUnderworld, or return to perpetualtorment. Add 1 to hit rolls and wound rollsfor the Cursed Dagger of Eternal Blood ifthe target is aHero.Scarab Prince:Prince Apophas healsone wound in each of your hero phases.If Prince Apophas is slain, he canimmediately make a Tide of ScuttlingScarabs attack before he is removed.DEATH, MUMMY, HERO, PRINCE APOPHASWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015Prince Apophas can fly.Desert Revenant:Instead of setting upPrince Apophas on the battlefield, you canplace him to one side and say that he is setup entombed beneath the sands. In any ofyour movement phases, you can set him upon the battlefield more than 9" from anyenemy models. This is his move for thatmovement phase.KEYWORDS [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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