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//-->WARRIORS CHAOSOFWARSCROLLSCOMPENDIUMINTRODUCTIONThe mortal worshippers of Chaosgather together in warbands mightyenough to conquer entire nations.Though the tyrannical lords thatlead the armoured hordes believethemselves to be warrior kings born torule the Mortal Realms with an ironfist, they are bound to higher powersin their turn. In truth, every murderer,monster and mutant in their armies isbut a slave to darkness and a puppet ofthe Dark Gods.The warscrolls in this compendiumallow you to use your CitadelMiniatures collection in fantasticalbattle, whether telling epic stories setduring the Age of Sigmar, or recreatingthe wars of the world-that-was.WARSCROLL KEY1. Title:The name of the model that thewarscroll describes.2. Characteristics:Each warscroll has a set ofcharacteristics that tell you how fast, powerful andbrave the model is, and how effective its weapons are.3. Description:The description tells you what weaponsthe model can be armed with, and what upgrades (ifany) it can be given. The description will also tell you ifthe model is fielded on its own as a single model, or aspart of a unit. If the model is fielded as part of a unit,then the description will say how many models the unitshould have (if you don’t have enough models to field aunit, you can still field one unit with as many models asyou have available).4. Abilities:Abilities are things that the model can doduring a game that are not covered by the standardgame rules.5. Keywords:All models have a list of keywords.Sometimes a rule will say that it only applies to modelsthat have a specific keyword on their warscroll.6. Damage Table:Some models have a damage tablethat is used to determine one or more of the model’scharacteristics. Look up the number of wounds themodel has suffered to find the value of the characteristicin question.1WULFRIK THE WANDERERMOVEUNDSWO25"75BR4+AVERYMELEE WEAPONS345Wulfrik the Wanderer is a single model.He wields the Worldwa lker’s Longswordand carries a Chaos Runeshield.Chaos Runeshield:Roll a dice eachtimeWulfrik suffers a mortal wound. Ona 5 ora 6 that mortal wound is ignored.DESCR IPTIONSAVEWorldwa lker’s LongswordRangeAttacksTo Hit1"To Wound5Rend3+Damage3+-1ABILITIESThe Gift of Tongues:At the start ofthe combat phase, Wulfrik can issueanindelicate challenge in his foe’s tongueif there is an enemyHerowithin 3".Issue your opponent with a challengeof your own – you can be as mocking,rude or insulting as you dare; if youropponent rises to the bait and they changeexpression, even so much as crack asmileor a glimmer of shock, Wulfrik’s challengeis successfu l and you can re-roll failedhitrolls for any attacks he makes this phaseagainst enemyHeroes.Seafang:Instead of setting up Wulfrikon the battlefield, you can place himtoone side, along with up to one unit ofMarauders of Chaos.These unitshave set sail aboard Wulfrik’s enchantedlongboat,Seafang,intent on encircling thefoe. In the movement phase of yoursecondturn, pick an edge of the battlefield,thenset up both units so that all their modelsare within 5" of that edge. This countsastheir move for that phase.KEYWORDSCHAOS, MORTAL, SLAVES TODARKNESS, HERO, WULFR IK THEWANDEREREX ALTED HERO WITHBATTLE STANDARDMOVEUNDSWO55BR4+AVERYMELEE WEAPONSSAVE7Darksteel AxeRangeAttacksTo Hit1"To Wound4Rend3+Damage4+-1An Exalted Hero with Battle Standardisa single model. He wields a Darksteel Axeand carries a Chaos Runeshield. Hebearsa great Battle Standard of the DarkGods,hung with icons of the Chaos pantheon.Mark of Chaos:If you wish, whensetting up this unit, you can pick oneofthe following keywords to assign toitfor the duration of the battle:Khorne,Tzeentch, NurgleorSlaanesh.DESCR IPTIONChaos Runeshield:Roll a dice eachtimethis model suffers a mortal wound.On a 5or a 6 that mortal wound is ignored.Eager for Glory:Exalted Heroes areeager to draw the eye of the Dark Godsbyperforming great deeds in battle. Youcanre-roll hit rolls of 1 for an Exalted Herowhen targeting aHeroor aMonster.Battle Standard of the Dark Gods:Inyour hero phase, you can declare thatthismodel will plant the Battle Standardof theDark Gods. If you do, then until yournexthero phase you may not move the model,but it has the following abilities:Glory to the Dark Gods:Add 2 to theBravery of all models in anySlavestoDarknessunits from your army within20" of this model.Onward, to Battle:When you makeacharge roll for aSlaves to Darknessunit within 20" of this model, you canre-roll one or both of the dice.ABILITIESKEYWORDSMOVEUNDSWORECHAOS LORD ON MANTICOCHAOS, MORTAL, SLAVES TODARKNESS, HERO, TOTEM,EXALTED HERO WITH BATTLESTANDARDMELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageD3211✹SAVE124+8Daemon BladeChaos LanceWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games1"4Workshop Ltd. 20153653+3+3+4+4+3+3+3+----1-2"2"1"3"Chaos FlailManticore’s Claws and JawsManticore’s Lashing Tail✹4+BRAVERY✹16DAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedMoveClaws and JawsLashing Tail0-23-45-78-910+12"10"8"6"4"2+3+3+4+5+D6D6D3D31DESCR IPTIONA Chaos Lord on Manticore is a singleamodel. The Chaos Lord carries eitherDaemon Blade or a Chaos Flail in oneSomehand and a Chaos Lance in the other.Chaos Lords instead look to guard againstenemy attacks, and carry either a Chaosor a Daggerfist instead of aRuneshieldChaos Lance.These mighty champions ride atop aManticore that fights with its fearsomeTail.Claws and Jaws as well as its LashingFLYKhorne:This model can pile in 6" insteadof 3" if it has the mark ofKhorne.if it hasNurgle:This model has a save of 3+the mark ofNurgle.Tzeentch:This model can attempt tounbind one spell in each enemy heromarkphase as if it were a wizard if it has aof Tzeentch.Slaanesh:If this model has a mark ofoneSlaanesh,enemy units must subtract3" offrom their Bravery if they are withinit in the battleshock phase.timeChaos Runeshield:Roll a dice eacha Chaos Lord on Manticore with a ChaosOn a 5Runeshield suffers a mortal wound.or a 6 that mortal wound is ignored.Daggerfist:Each time you make asuccessfu l save roll of a 6 or morefor Chaos Lord on Manticore with awithinDaggerfist and the attacking unit isback;1", he parries the blow and punchesthe attacking unit suffers a mortal woundafter it has made all of its attacks.LanceChaos Lance:A Chaos Lord’s Chaoshasinflicts 3 damage rather than 2 anda Rend of -1 instead of ‘-’, if the modelcharged in the same turn.intoTerritorial Predator:Any who strayasthe territory of a Manticore are as gooditdead, especially larger creatures, whichhitsees as potential rivals. You can re-roll1 for the Manticore’s Claws androlls ofif the target is aMonster.Jaws attacksIf the target is a unit within your army’srollsterritory, you can re-roll any failed hitfor these attacks.A Chaos Lord on Manticore can fly.COMM AND ABILIT YABILITIESMark of Chaos:When you set up thismarkmodel, you can declare that it has aofKhorne,Nurgle, SlaaneshorTzeentch.The model has that keywordand gains the relevant ability from thefollowing list:areIron-willed Overlord:Manticoreswhoberserk killers, and any Chaos Lordrides one to battle displays such obviousce that none would dare deny hisdominanChaos Lord on Manticore usesorders. If athis ability, select aWarriors of Chaosphase,unit within 15". Until your next herorollsyou can re-roll charge rolls, woundand battleshock tests for that unit.KEYWORDSCHAOS, MORTA L, MANTICORE,SLAVES TO DARKN ESS, MONSTER, HERO, CHAOS LORDWarhammer Age of Sigmar © GamesWorkshop Ltd. 2015Warhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015ARCHAON, THE EVERCHOSENMOVEUNDSWO10"MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage810B3+RAVERYDESCRIPTIONArchaon, the Everchosen, is a single model.He is armed with the Slayer of Kings andwears the Armour of Morkar, and carriesan imposing Chaos Runeshield. He ridesDorghar, the Steed of the Apocalypse,which tramples the unworthy with itsBlazing Hooves.The Slayer of Kings:If Archaon directs allof his attacks with the Slayer of Kings atthe sameHeroorMonster,and two ormore of the wound rolls have a result of 6or more, the daemon U’zuhl is roused andthe target is slain instantly!The Armour of Morkar:Archaon’s ancientarmour is inscribed with runes of wardingand malice. If a save roll for Archaonis 6 (before modifying the roll in anyway), the attacking model’s unit suffers amortal wound.The Crown of Domination:This ancienthelm exudes an aura of palpable menace.When a battleshock test is made for a unitwithin 10" of Archaon, you can adjust theresult of the dice roll up or down by 2.Chaos Runeshield:Roll a dice each timeArchaon suffers a mortal wound. On a 5 ora 6 that mortal wound is ignored.SAV EThe Slayer of KingsDorghar’s Blazing Hooves1"1"442+3+3+3+-1-31MAGICArchaon is a wizard. He can attempt tocast one spell in each of your own herophases, and attempt to unbind one spellin each enemy hero phase. He knows theArcane Bolt and Mystic Shield spells.ABILITIESThe Eye of Sheerian:In your hero phase,roll a dice and note the result. Until yournext hero phase, whenever an enemy scoresa hit on Archaon and the result of the hitroll is the number you rolled, the Eye ofSheerian has forewarned him of the attackand your opponent must re-roll the dice.COMMAND ABILITIESWarlord Without Equal:Archaon’s skillat battle is exceptional, unmatched by anywho would stand against him. If Archaonuses this ability, all otherChaosunits inyour army that have command abilities ontheir warscroll can immediately use them,in an order of your choice.KEYWORDSCHAOS, DAEMON, MORTAL, KHORNE, NURGLE, TZEENTCH, SLAANESH, HERO,WIZARD, ARCHAONWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015BE’LAKOR, CHAOSDAEMON PRINCEMOVEUNDSWO12"1084+MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageSAV EBlade of Shadows1"63+3+-22BRAERYVDESCRIPTIONBe’lakor is a single model. He wields thesinister Blade of Shadows.FLYABILITIESShadow Form:Ignore the weapon’s Rendwhen making save rolls for Be’lakor.The Dark Master:After set-up is complete,secretly note down a unit in the enemyarmy – unbeknownst to your opponent,Be’lakor has been manipulating that unitfor some time. At the start of one of youropponent’s hero phases you can reveal yourchoice. For the rest of that battle roundyour opponent must roll a dice each timethat unit attempts to cast a spell, move,charge or attack; on a 4 or more that actioncan be performed normally, otherwise theyhave fallen foul of Be’lakor’s machinationsand it cannot.Lord of Torment:If any models fleefrom a unit within 10" of Be’lakor, heis reinvigorated by their suffering andimmediately heals D3 wounds.MAGICBe’lakor is a wizard. He can attempt tocast two different spells in each of yourown hero phases, and attempt to unbindtwo spells in each enemy hero phase. Heknows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield andEnfeeble Foe spells.ENFEEBLE FOEBe’lakor can fly.Enfeeble Foe has a casting value of 6. Ifsuccessfully cast, pick one visible enemyunit within 18". Until your next hero phase,the opposing player must subtract 1 fromany wound rolls he makes for that unit inthe combat phase.KEYWORDSCHAOS, DAEMON, HERO, WIZARD, DAEMON PRINCE, BE’LAKORWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015DAEMON PRINCEMOVEUNDSWO8"MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage8104+Daemonic AxeHellforged SwordMalefic Talons2"2"1"4434+3+4+3+3+3+-2-1-D3D32SAV EBRAERYVDESCRIPTIONA Daemon Prince is a single model. Itcleaves the foe with a Daemonic Axe orHellforged Sword and rends them apartwith its Malefic Talons. Some DaemonPrinces have been blessed with the abilityto fly.FLYKhorneDaemon Princes, their veinsrunning with liquid fire, are blood-crazedchampions. You can add 1 to all hit rollsmade for a Khorne Daemon Prince.NurgleDaemon Princes are bloated withdisease, and are unnaturally resistent toharm. A Nurgle Daemon Prince has a saveof 3+.TzeentchDaemon Princes aresurrounded by a nimbus of magical light.A Tzeentch Daemon Prince is a wizard.It can attempt to cast one spell in each ofyour hero phases, and attempt to unbindone spell in each enemy hero phase. ATzeentch Daemon Prince knows theArcane Bolt and Mystic Shield Spells.SlaaneshDaemon Princes are lithe andexotic, their every movement impossiblyquick. When your opponent selects a unitwithin 3" of the Daemon Prince to pile inand attack in the combat phase, you canimmediately select the Daemon Prince topile in and attack before the enemy unit,even though it is not your turn to do so.This model can only do this if it has notalready attacked in this phase.MAGICChaos Wizardsknow the SummonDaemon Prince spell, in addition to anyothers they know.SUMMON DAEMON PRINCEA Daemon Prince that can fly has a Moveof 12" instead of 8".ABILITIESCursed Soul-eater:A Daemon Prince thatis not dedicated to one of the Chaos Godsheals 1 wound at the end of any combatphase in which it killed any models. If itkilled anyHeroesorMonsters,it healsD3 wounds instead.Immortal Champion:When you setup this model, you can declare thatit is dedicated toKhorne, Nurgle,SlaaneshorTzeentch.If you do,the Daemon Prince replaces its CursedSoul-eater ability with the relevant abilityfrom the following list:Summon Daemon Prince has a castingvalue of 8. If successfully cast, you canset up a Daemon Prince within 16" of thesummoner and more than 9" from anyenemy models. The model is added to yourarmy but cannot move in the followingMovement phase.DAEMON PRINCEKEYWORDSCHAOS, DAEMON, MONSTER, HERO, DAEMON PRINCEDAEMON PRINCE OF KHORNEKEYWORDSCHAOS, DAEMON, KHORNE, MONSTER, HERO, DAEMON PRINCEDAEMON PRINCE OF NURGLEKEYWORDSCHAOS, DAEMON, NURGLE, MONSTER, HERO, DAEMON PRINCEDAEMON PRINCE OF TZEENTCHKEYWORDSCHAOS, DAEMON, TZEENTCH, MONSTER, HERO, WIZARD, DAEMON PRINCEDAEMON PRINCE OF SLAANESHKEYWORDSCHAOS, DAEMON, SLAANESH, MONSTER, HERO, DAEMON PRINCEWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015
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