warhammer-aos-lizardmen-en, Gry Bitewne, Age of Sigmar

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//-->LIZARDMENWARSCROLLSCOMPENDIUMINTRODUCTIONThe Seraphon are beings of order,creatures of the stars whose mindsand bodies sing with Azyrite energy.They are the sworn enemies of Chaos,ever-opposed to the Dark Gods and thebedlam they bring.The cold-blooded savagery of theSeraphon is legendary. Directed bythe inscrutable slann, their tightlydisciplined cohorts and roaring saurianbeasts tear through their enemies withthe ferocity of true predators.The warscrolls in this compendiumallow you to use your CitadelMiniatures collection in fantasticalbattle, whether telling epic stories setduring the Age of Sigmar, or recreatingthe wars of the world-that-was.WARSCROLL KEY1. Title:The name of the model that thewarscroll describes.2. Characteristics:This set of characteristics tells youhow fast, powerful and brave the model is, and howeffective its weapons are.3. Description:The description tells you what weaponsthe model can be armed with, and what upgrades (ifany) it can be given. The description will also tell you ifthe model is fielded on its own as a single model, or aspart of a unit. If the model is fielded as part of a unit,then the description will say how many models the unitshould have (if you don’t have enough models to field aunit, you can still field one unit with as many models asyou have available).4. Abilities:Abilities are things that the model can doduring a game that are not covered by the standardgame rules.5. Keywords:All models have a list of keywords.Sometimes a rule will say that it only applies to modelsthat have a specific keyword.6. Damage Table:Some models have a damage tablethat is used to determine one or more of the model’scharacteristics. Look up the number of wounds themodel has suffered to find the value of the characteristicin question.1CHAK AX, THE ETERNITY WARDEN25"MOVEUNDSWO710B4+RAVERYMELEE WEAPONSStar-stone MaceFearsome JawsRangeAttacksTo Hit1"1"To Wound3Chakax, the Eternity Warden, is a singlemodel. He is armed with a Star-stoneMace and tears into enemies with hisFearsome Jaws.DESCR IPTIONSAVE31Rend3+4+Damage3+4+-1-214Selfless Protector:Each time this modelis within 2" of aSlannthat suffersawound or mortal wound, he can attemptto intervene. If he does so, roll a dice.If theresult is 2 or higher, the Slann ignoresthatwound or mortal wound but this modelsuffers a mortal wound in its place.Alpha Warden:Temple Guard makean additiona l attack with their CelestitePolearms while their unit is within5"of Chaka x.ABILITIESMAGICSlann Wizardsknow the SummonEternity Warden spell, in addition toanyothers they know.Summon Eternity Warden has a castingvalue of 5. If successfu lly cast, you cansetup Chakax within 15" of the caster andmore than 9" from any enemy models.Themodel is added to your army but cannotmove in the following movement phase.SUMMON ETERNIT Y WARDEN5KEYWORDSORDER , DAEMON, CELESTIAL,SERAPHON, SAURUS , HERO, CHAKAXGOR–ROKMOVEUNDSWO5"710B4+RAVERYMELEE WEAPONSCelestite War-maceFearsome Jaws and Aeon ShieldRangeAttacksTo HitGor-Rok is a single model. He is aferocious exemplar of the saurus’ martialmight, crushing armour with his CelestiteWar-mace and tearing through fleshwith his Fearsome Jaws and drakescaleAeon Shield. As well as being a deadlyweapon, the massive Aeon Shield isalmostimpervious to damage.Aeon Shield:When you make saverollsfor this model, ignore the enemy’s Rendcharacteristic unless it is -3 or better.KEYWORDSDESCR IPTIONSAVE1"1"To Wound52Rend3+4+Damage3+3+-1-11Ferocious Rage:If the hit roll for oneofthis model’s attacks is 6 or higher, makeD3 wound rolls rather than 1. If thewoundroll for one of this model’s attacks is6 orhigher, it causes D3 damage rather than1.MAGICSlann Wizardsknow the SummonSunblood spell, in addition to any othersthey know.Summon Sunblood has a casting valueof 5.If successfu lly cast, you can set up Gor-Rokwithin 15" of the caster and more than9" from any enemy models. The modelisadded to your army but cannot movein thefollowing movement phase.Scent of Weakness:If Gor-rok usesthis ability, pick an enemy unit within15" – until your next hero phase, re-rollfailed hit rolls for attacks made in thecombat phase against that unit by anyofyour Saurus models.KRendDamageSUMMON SUNBLOODABILITIESCOMM AND ABILIT YRKROQ–GAR ON CARNOSAUORDER , DAEMON, CELESTIAL,MISSILE WEAPONSSERAPHON, SAURUS , HERO, GOR-RORangeWorkshop Ltd. 2015ToAttacksWarhammer Age of Sigmar © GamesHitTo WoundMOVEUNDSWO✹SAVESunbolt Gauntlet18"RangeD6Attacks3+To Hit4+To Wound-1Rend1Damage12104+MELEE WEAPONSBRAVERYCarnosaur’s Clawed ForelimbsCarnosaur’s Massive JawsSunstone Spear2"2"2"323+3+3+3+-1--1D323✹4+✹6Wounds SufferedMoveDAMAGE TABLEClawed ForelimbsMassive Jaws0-23-45-78-910+10"10"8"8"6"3+4+4+5+5+54321DESCR IPTIONMAGICtheBlood Frenzy:A Carnosaur that tastesgflesh of the enemy becomes a rampaginhasforce of destruction. Once this modelit canslain an enemy with its Massive Jaws,therun and charge in the same turn forrest of the battle.canBloodroar:The roar of a Carnosaurtocause even the most daring warrioraturn and flee. If your opponent takes8" ofbattleshock test for a unit withinisany Carnosaurs, roll a dice. If the result’shigher than the result on your opponentwelldice, D3 models flee from the unit (asas any that flee because of the test).aBlazing Sunbolts:If Kroq-Gar targetsChaos Daemonunit with his Sunboltof theGauntlet, you can add 2 to the resultwound rolls.ofKroq-Gar is a single model. Flashescelestial fire leap forth from his SunboltonGauntlet, while enemies are impaledthe shimmering blade of his SunstoneSpear. Kroq-Gar’s Carnosaur mountgripsGrymloq is a terrifying predator thatsenemies in his powerful Clawed Forelimbaws.before rending them with his Massive JSlann Wizardsknow the SummonanySaurus Warlord spell, in addition toothers they know.SUMMON SAURUS WARLORDABILITIESPinned Down:Carnosaurs tackle largeprey by pinning them in place beforejaws.tearing into them with their massivetheIf an enemyMonsteris hit twice withcanCarnosaur’s Clawed Forelimbs, youthatadd 2 to the result when rolling to hitJawstarget with the Carnosaur’s Massivein the same turn.Summon Saurus Warlord has a castingcanvalue of 10. If successfu lly cast, you15"set up Kroq-Gar on Carnosaur withinanyof the caster and more than 9" fromto yourenemy models. The model is addedarmy but cannot move in the followingmovement phase.COMM AND ABILIT YAncient Warlord:Kroq-Gar is a veteranof battles without number, an inspiringkin asleader who is as inspirational to hisrhe is terrifying to the enemy. If Kroq-Gaherouses this ability, then until your nextphase, whenever aSaurus Herofromcombatyour army within 20" attacks in the2 tophase, pick one of its weapons and addofits Attacks characteristic until the end.the phase, MONSTER, HERO,KEYWORDSORDER, DAEMON, CELESTIAL,KROQ-GARSERAPHON, CARNOSAUR, SAURUSWarhammer Age of Sigmar © GamesWorkshop Ltd. 2015Warhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015LORD KROAKMOVEUNDSWO5"✹104+MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageSAV EAncient Spirits’ Spectral Claws3"2D63+3+-11BRAERYVDESCRIPTIONLord Kroak is a single model, a long-deadand mummified slann seated upon amystical stone palanquin. Any foes whodare approach are swarmed by the ancientspirits that surround him and torn asunderby their Spectral Claws.FLYMAGICLord Kroak is a wizard. He can attemptto cast four spells in each of your ownhero phases, and attempt to unbind fourspells in each enemy hero phase. He knowsthe Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield, CelestialDeliverance and Comet’s Call spells.CELESTIAL DELIVERANCECOMET’S CALLLord Kroak can fly.ABILITIESDead for Innumerable Ages:Lord Kroak’sphysical form is ancient, withered andpreserved only by his indomitable spirit.As such, he is immune to all but the mostdevastating attacks – those which cantemporarily divorce his consciousnessfrom his corpse.In the battleshock phase of each turn, rolla dice and add the number of wounds thatLord Kroak suffered during the turn. Ifthe result is higher than his Bravery, heis ‘slain’. Otherwise, any wounds he hassuffered are immediately healed. If anability or rule would cause him to be slainoutright, he is not; instead, he suffers D6mortal wounds.KEYWORDSThe spirits surrounding Kroak’s palanquinquiver with unfettered force beforeexploding outwards to bring ruin tohis enemies.Lord Kroak can cast Celestial Deliveranceup to three times in the hero phase. It hasa casting value of 7 the first time it is cast,8 the second time and 9 the third time.If it is successfully cast, roll three dice todetermine the spirits’ reach in inches. Eachenemy unit within range suffers D3 mortalwounds. The vengeful spirits reserve aspecial hatred forChaos Daemons,andtear into them with something akin toglee; as such, these units suffer D6 mortalwounds instead of D3.His consciousness soaring up to theheavens, Lord Kroak summons a clusterof comets before sending them into theenemy’s ranks. Comet’s Call has a castingvalue of 7. If successfully cast, pick up toD3 enemy units, or D6 if the result of thecasting roll was 10 or more. Each of theseunits is struck by a comet and suffers D3mortal wounds.COMMAND ABILITYImpeccable Foresight:Lord Kroak castshis consciousness ahead, reading thethreads of destiny as easily as a mortalwould read a map. If Lord Kroak uses thisability, roll three dice. For each one thatscores 4 or more, Lord Kroak gains aninsight into the future. Each insight can beused to re-roll any single dice before yournext hero phase.ORDER, CELESTIAL, SERAPHON, SLANN, HERO, WIZARD, LORD KROAKWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015SLANN MAGE-PRIESTMOVEUNDSWO75"104+MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageSAV EAzure Lightning3"64+3+-11BRAERYVDESCRIPTIONA Slann Mage-Priest is a single modelthat sits atop a floating palanquin gravenwith strange symbols and hummingwith power. Any enemies who come tooclose are immolated by crackling bolts ofAzure Lightning that leap forth from thehovering throne.FLYMAGICRoll Ascendant Constellation1-2The Hunter’s Steed:The image of agalloping war-beast blazes bright inthe sky. Add 1 to run and charge rollsforSeraphonunits in your armywhile this constellation is ascendant.3-4The Sage’s Staff:This constellation isheld as a mythical portent of wisdomand magic – while it is ascendant,add 1 to the casting rolls whenSeraphon Wizardsin your armyattempt to cast spells.5-6The Great Drake:The vast form ofDracothion himself writhes in thefirmament. You can re-roll hit rolls of1 forSeraphonunits in your armywhile this constellation is ascendant.At the start of your hero phase, one SlannMage-Priest in your army can attempt toturn the constellations to its advantageinstead of casting one of its spells. If it doesso, roll a dice. If the result is a 1, the slannis distracted by its exertions and cannotcast any spells this phase. If the result is 4or higher, you can pick a new ascendentconstellation from the table. Otherwisethere is no effect.Arcane Vassal:Before a Slann Mage-Priestattempts to cast a spell, you can pick avassal to channel it; this can be aSkinkHeroor Troglodon from your army thatis within 15". If the spell is successfullycast, measure the range and visibility fromthe vassal.A Slann Mage-Priest is a wizard. It canattempt to cast three different spells ineach of your own hero phases, and attemptto unbind three spells in each enemy herophase. A Slann Mage-Priest knows theArcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and Light of theHeavens spells.LIGHT OF THE HEAVENSA Slann Mage-Priest can fly.ABILITIESCelestial Configuration:If your armyincludes any Slann Mage-Priests, roll adice after set-up is complete and consultthe table, right, to see which constellationis in the ascendant, and how it affects yourarmy. This effect lasts as long as you havea Slann Mage-Priest on the battlefield, oruntil a new constellation comes into effect.The Mage-Priest slowly blinks and raisesits hands, bathing the battlefield in pureststarlight. Light of the Heavens has a castingvalue of 6. If successfully cast, then untilyour next hero phase any battleshocktests forCelestial DaemonorChaosDaemonunits are made by rolling twodice rather than one. ForCelestialunits,discard the highest of the two dice; forChaosunits, discard the lowest.COMMAND ABILITYGift from the Heavens:If a Slann Mage-Priest uses this ability,Seraphonunitsfrom your army within 10" are wrapped ina mantle of Azyrite energy, allowing themto disregard the laws of nature. Until yournext hero phase, those units can fly andyou can re-roll failed save rolls for them inthe shooting phase.KEYWORDSORDER, CELESTIAL, SERAPHON, SLANN, HERO, WIZARD, SLANN MAGE-PRIESTWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015KROQ–GAR ON CARNOSAURMOVEMISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamageUNDSWO✹4+10SAV ESunbolt GauntletMELEE WEAPONS18"RangeD6Attacks3+To Hit4+To Wound-1Rend1Damage12Sunstone SpearCarnosaur’s Clawed ForelimbsCarnosaur’s Massive Jaws2"2"2"323+3+3+3+-1--1D323BRAERYV✹4+✹DAMAGE TABLEWounds SufferedMoveClawed ForelimbsMassive Jaws0-23-45-78-910+10"10"8"8"6"3+4+4+5+5+54321DESCRIPTIONKroq-Gar is a single model. Flashes ofcelestial fire leap forth from his SunboltGauntlet, while enemies are impaled onthe shimmering blade of his SunstoneSpear. Kroq-Gar’s Carnosaur mountGrymloq is a terrifying predator that gripsenemies in his powerful Clawed Forelimbsbefore rending them with his Massive Jaws.Blood Frenzy:A Carnosaur that tastes theflesh of the enemy becomes a rampagingforce of destruction. Once this model hasslain an enemy with its Massive Jaws, it canrun and charge in the same turn for therest of the battle.Bloodroar:The roar of a Carnosaur cancause even the most daring warrior toturn and flee. If your opponent takes abattleshock test for a unit within 8" ofany Carnosaurs, roll a dice. If the result ishigher than the result on your opponent’sdice, D3 models flee from the unit (as wellas any that flee because of the test).Blazing Sunbolts:If Kroq-Gar targets aChaos Daemonunit with his SunboltGauntlet, you can add 2 to the result of thewound rolls.MAGICSlann Wizardsknow the SummonSaurus Warlord spell, in addition to anyothers they know.SUMMON SAURUS WARLORDABILITIESPinned Down:Carnosaurs tackle largeprey by pinning them in place beforetearing into them with their massive jaws.If an enemyMonsteris hit twice with theCarnosaur’s Clawed Forelimbs, you canadd 2 to the result when rolling to hit thattarget with the Carnosaur’s Massive Jawsin the same turn.Summon Saurus Warlord has a castingvalue of 10. If successfully cast, you canset up Kroq-Gar on Carnosaur within 15"of the caster and more than 9" from anyenemy models. The model is added to yourarmy but cannot move in the followingmovement phase.COMMAND ABILITYAncient Warlord:Kroq-Gar is a veteranof battles without number, an inspiringleader who is as inspirational to his kin ashe is terrifying to the enemy. If Kroq-Garuses this ability, then until your next herophase, whenever aSaurus Herofromyour army within 20" attacks in the combatphase, pick one of its weapons and add 2 toits Attacks characteristic until the end ofthe phase.KEYWORDSORDER, DAEMON, CELESTIAL, SERAPHON, CARNOSAUR, SAURUS, MONSTER, HERO,KROQ-GARWarhammer Age of Sigmar © Games Workshop Ltd. 2015 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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